This fucking guy. I hope he gets soundly defeated in November and I never have to hear or read about some dumb shit he said ever again.
You’re making a mistake.
He’s not the disease, he’s only a symptom of something we’re otherwise able to ignore.
There are vast oceans of his supporters who love him because he “tells it like it is”, ie he helps them speak more openly about their own bigotry.
Trump going away will only give us someone else, and honestly, they’ll probably be moderately competent.
Trump is a godsend, because he is so absolutely, perfectly stupid and incompetent, a real operator would be devastating. Use this opportunity to gain resistance to their form of plague before it’s too late.
He’s shingles.
Yeah, the US had the disease pretty bad when it was young. And, it’s laid dormant in the nervous system for years. Some stress and poor health habits have allowed it to rise to the surface.
It won’t ever go away entirely but better habits and self-care can keep it away indefinitely.
better habits and self-care can keep it away indefinitely.
Caveat: you can’t blame people who get shingles for being sick.
Stress is often a trigger for instance, that’s usually caused by other people.
I mean, aren’t there vaccines now…?
Yes, but they are far from 100% effective.
Ah, OK. I thought at least when innoculated as a child they were extremely (99.9+%) effective, and assumed it was similar as an adult.
Looking it up, I see I was wrong. It’s pretty good, but WAY lower than I thought.
That’s it, with the caveat that people usually don’t die of shingles.
Not usually. But, untreated shingles can lead to complications that can kill you (infections, stroke, meningitis, encephalitis, etc.).
Yeah that’s what we got, post-civil war shingles.
They might be moderately more competent, but they likely won’t have his charisma and cultural cache. A lot of more competent fascists have tried to steal his thunder, and they’ve all ended up either kissing his ring (Vance) or flaming out spectacularly (DeSantis).
All those more “competent” fascists are simply trying to position themselves for the inevitable post-Trump GOP. God will eventually exercise His Ultimate Veto on Donald Trump. When that happens, the GOP will appear to be divided into folks who double down on Trumpism (like Vance), and folks who are just as evil but will use Trump’s absence as a fig leaf to pretend the party has changed (like DeSantis)
This division won’t be real at all. It will all be performative, like the Kayfabe in Pro Wrestling, or the factions in Survivor. It will still be racism and Fascism all the way down. But the GOP Reality Show will still need to pretend there is a choice that they can rally the team around.
I think you underestimate how much these people all hate each other. Trump fealty is the only thing keeping them together. And it still sometimes surfaces. Laura Loomer’s recent Twitter spat with Marjorie Taylor-Greene where Loomer threatened to release compromising information on Taylor-Greene is a good example.
I don’t know. I mean, they definitely hate each other, but there is also nothing Republicans do better than falling in line when it matters.
They may fall in line eventually, but not until after most of them have destroyed each other. Maybe that will lead to another demagogue like Trump, but in the mean time, they’ll all be out for each other’s blood in some amazing factionalism.
I wish I shared your optimism.
The thing about fascists is that there’s a certain skill for unifying them. I don’t know if anyone but trump in American politics has this skill because they were divided before him. There was the setup phase, the tea party, militia movement, etc where normies were being radicalized more and more towards the right. But until trump they lacked a rallying point.
No, there are other things keeping them together, like “starve the beast” tax cuts, racism, and Fascism. They want to make sure that the “others” are sufficiently put in their place.
There may be some collateral damage along the way. Loomer is especially dangerous because she is unaccountable to voters, so is able to do things that a politician looking for votes cannot. But I don’t think the occasional slap fight will derail the overall mission of the party to entrench themselves as the ruling class, in spite of their dwindling numbers.
He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!!!
You have any idea how easy it is to spend your whole day screaming about how “the liberals and immigrants are all out to exterminate white people, and we’re the only ones willing to say it out loud!”?
He’s not savvy, he’s just so spoiled he has no filter, they’ll build another one out of spare parts.
We had Glenn Beck before this, we’ll have another soon after.
Generational Adaptive Networks work by testing something until it fails, then making a change to see if it gets better or worse, they’ll do the exact same, find a Trump, a rich, obnoxious guy, Musk isn’t busy, and just build an image around him where he’s suddenly a devout Baptist who is staunchly pro-life and never secretly paid for dozens of his interns to get abortions.
Trump’s strength was his transparency, he was clearly the opposite of everything the Bible belt claim to believe in, he’s the 7 deadly sins made manifest by a bad writer. The missing ingredient that always tripped up everyone else: Shame. The next generation
This isn’t the end, this isn’t even the beginning of the end, but this is the end of the beginning.
Some of them genuinely think he’s the messiah though.
He’s a worthless serial rapist pedo fraudster.
He is their personal messiah.
His “charisma” only appeals to a certain subset of Americans. Sure, he has fanatical support in much of the Republican base, but he has low overall favorability ratings and turns off a lot of moderate voters.
I am actually glad it’s Trump and not another Republican who’s on the ticket. I think he’s easier to beat. I am more scared of what happens when smoother, more coherent Republicans begin campaigning on the same platform without the chaos and cringe of Trump.
I would personally enjoy the only article about him ever reaching headline status again being his obituary.
But we all know that even if he loses he will try and run again if he isn’t locked up. He will cry about stolen elections til the day he dies. Even of the Republican leaders try to divorce themselves from him, he will run independent. And a significant amount of the maga movement will follow him there.
I would personally enjoy the only article about him ever reaching headline status again being his obituary.
We need another seven for his convictions and sentencing.
Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but with the amount he seems to have declined in the last few years both physically and mentally, I can’t imagine he will be capable in any capacity of running again.
I agree, but I also thought so 8 years ago.
Man, so much faith in so many things lost in 8 years…
Edit: like, I thought - apparently completely mistakenly - that even if we disagreed on a lot of things, the majority of Republican voters had some form of morals that they followed, some amount of integrity. Fucking sucks that they absolutely don’t.
Assuming he actually loses in November (which we all have to hope for to protect US democracy), this scenario, and especially him constantly running as a third party candidate till the day he dies, would lead to a lasting split in the GOP for the foreseeable future - I’m actually not against this outcome in any way!
Kind of foreseeable since he likely won’t live another 10 years and there’s no real personality cult to replace him.
There’s no shortage of contenders, but they all seem pretty niche in terms of popularity so far. It’s not going to be any of Trump’s shitty kids.
My grandma is all in on Trump Jr. She says he’s handsome. Hard barf.
It sucks when our relatives suck.
There will be plenty news about him after that. If anything he’s going to be unleashed by whatever he thinks is restrictive for the election, so I expect the worst. Also all his grifting and law suits and all that shit.
I’m considering blocking everything including his name, because I seriously can’t stand watching his disgusting face anymore and nothing good is ever going to come out of it.
Back in the day I did that on Twatter and it helped a lot.
JFC, this piece of shit is actively trying to start a race war. What the fuck.
deleted by creator
You’re just now noticing?
Wait until they go back and look at the state visits he took as president.
“a”? When did you start counting?
Trump, pictured here endorsing a self-described “black Nazi,” implicitly threatened a room of Jewish people with genocide if they didn’t support him.
He sure does like black Nazis. Look how happy he is to be with this particular black man who is inexplicably also a Nazi:
Oh no, it’s not “inexplicable”. The guy’s just as dumb as a rock. A moron if you prefer. Someone unintelligent.
What’s almost kinda funny, is it looks like Kanye is almost aware that he’s being used as a prop in that photo. Like look at his face.
He kind of always looks that way though. He’s got such an expressionless face. I have seen him smile and frown, but most of the time, it’s sort of that vacant expression that could mean anything. Resting nothing face?
Resting Dead Inside Face?
He may be right in his case, because look at him smiling…
Ah. Nothing like hinting to his nazi goons on who to attack.
From the guy who said you’re “not a real Jew” unless you vote for him because of Israel.
I’m so glad Joe “you ain’t black” Biden dropped out.
Jews find him ignorant.
He is ignorant.
Conservative Jews will still vote for him, unfortunately.
Republican’ts: Stop comparing Trump to Hitler!!! Reeeee
Insulting black and hispanic people just isn’t hitting the same, what do I do? Oh yeah, let’s blame the jews
He is really unable to accurately represent any perspective other than his own, the poster boy for malignant narcissism.
Real Americans will have a lot to do with that.
Of course he’s targeting Jews. Shit like this is why I’m sympathetic to the concept of Israel despite condemning all ethnostates.
I’m pretty extremely anti Israel, especially right now for obvious reasons. But you’re right. I can see the motivation, and how fear of antisemitism is justified.
So yeah I’m sympathetic to the concept, but not the execution.
I think this is where I’m at, too. Sure, the Jewish people should have a nation state that represents their interests, the same way catholics have the Vatican. It’s too bad Israel isn’t doing that for them right now :(
Yeah I’m anti Zionist for sure and the new phase of the genocide took it from a “I’m uncomfortable talking about this position I learned from Jewish people because people may think I support the rising antisemitism” to “silence is compliance both in the Israeli genocide of Gaza and in the rising antisemitism in America”.
I’m sympathetic to the initial Zionist movement because I see a lot of similarities between my community (queer people) and Jewish communities experiences and I deeply understand the “this keeps happening and wouldn’t if we could have a country of our own” feeling. But there is no terra nullius worth living on. When I dream of a queer Antarctic nation I understand that that if it were to happen so too would tragedy. Palestine appears to have been inhabited by our genus since before the differentiation of Homo sapiens. When the Jewish diaspora of Palestine occurred it wasn’t total, and even if it was those who moved in weren’t the aggressors here.
So yeah, some of the most traumatized people the world has seen were given the money and arms to take back their ancestral homeland from people they were able to pretend weren’t their long distant relatives who never left. In an act of perceived self preservation a bunch of Holocaust survivors and escapees, with the permission of the colonial holding nation inflicted hell on the people of Palestine. Some of these invaders were sympathetic, some were not, that’s how mass human tragedy tends to go. But to this day Israel is a nation forged out of the Holocaust and those who can’t understand or acknowledge that can’t present arguments that are fair to all sides. This conflict is a cycle of tragedy, hate, and fear.
My theory is he is pandering to Muslim voters in MI with these statements by hinting that Jewish people will vote for democrats