TIL about this list.
Mia Farrow with 14 kids. (Impressive!)
And DMX with 17 kids.
He wants a baby making machine who is capable of dressing nicely and putting on makeup despite being heavily pregnant on top of taking care of 6 children all of whom are in the baby and toddler phase?
None of who appear to be theirs.
Gotta keep that labor pool large so wages can stay low.
Guy’s outfit and haircut would look good on a lesbian (sincere)
Definitely. It seems to be a fairly common style recently in my area. I’m a mostly-straight woman, but I like it. I’ve definitely found myself attracted to the occasional lesbian.
Wow what a list. Charlie Chaplin was a surprise!
“What sort of minimum wage would we need so an honest blue collar working man can take care of a family of ten and restore our society to the good ol days? Oh…ok… well let’s just ignore that part.”
obviously only people who are capable of
inheriting 2 million dollarspull themselves up by their bootstraps deserve a big family
Oh, but it isn’t a fetish! It’s the command of God! They have to push out as many children as possible, because the Creator wishes for us to cover every inch of this planet, and they need a holy army to fight the demons Satan sends against us! And the women need to be pretty and subservient because Gods a man and He loves the good, pretty ladies.
(I have heard this bullshit so many fucking times, with so many reasons why this is their gods plan.)
They have to hold that view! How else would a guy like that get sex once every nine months?
Marital rape.
Oh, wait, so much of it already is “I was raised to perform my womanly duties, no matter my feelings”.
Sorry, this is a personal sore point, not trying to go off on you.
No no, you’re absolutely right. I’ve seen a good deal of that too in the culture I was raised in.
I didn’t know that weak pull out game was a political view
Why are all kids blonde? I’m just saying maybe this guy married this poor single lady with a little league project or maybe this is one of those oliver twist situations.
White kids are often blonde even if they won’t be as adults. All mine were at least for awhile, all have medium or dark brown hair now. All born with blue eyes too, but half changed to brown later. Not sure why, but it’s normal.
Yep. I was bleach blonde for years. Starting switching from blonde to brown gradually around age eight or nine. Dark brown now.
a little league project
Do they even make baseball gloves for AI hands?
I have a large family, always wanted kids, but seriously do not understand people who need everyone else to do the same thing they do. Like, what the actual fuck? If someone doesn’t want kids how is that my business? It’s like they don’t have confidence in themselves and need the whole world to agree with them. Just live your life, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing.
That picture doesn’t make sense though, unless she had 3 sets of twins some of those kids would be older, and as the billboards here used to say “two years apart is baby smart”, it is easier on your body if you give yourself time to recover. Three sets of twins back to back, your womb would prolapse.
My grandfather is 91, and we were talking about his family when he was a kid. This picture is how many siblings he had.
His father would come home every ten months and then leave a few days later.This picture is not a healthy family.
He probably had 3 other families too lol
He did have at least one other family, yep. Good call. They even tried to connect years ago, but it didn’t work out.
Thankfully my grandfather and his brothers and sisters came out as good people. Most of them are still alive too.
It’s the turning point of modern medicine keeping too many backup kids alive.
Oh god. The mother has 5 fingers.
5 fingers, not including thumbs…
You thought it was AI, but she just has ulnar polydactyly. How do I know this is ulnar instead of radial or central polydactyly? The wedding ring, it’s on the ring finger.
(/s of course, this is obviously AI. But yeah people with extra fingers do in fact exist. They or the parents often cut away the extra finger for cosmetic reasons.)
The Nazis would have sterilized (or worse) her in a heartbeat.
with so many siblings, things happen you know
since when are thumbs not considered equal to the other fingers? is this some weird thing in the english language i somehow missed all this time?
The English word finger has two senses, even in the context of appendages of a single typical human hand: 1) Any of the five terminal members of the hand. 2) Any of the four terminal members of the hand, other than the thumb
So yes, thumbs are fingers, but in certain contexts, they may not be included in count.
Also, there is something deeply wrong with the girl behind the dad. Her knee should not be there based on what we can see of her shoulders. Their politics apparently involve having hellishly mutated children with their six fingered, yellow handed wife.
Perhaps this is why you don’t make children with your sister, who is also your aunt? The kid behind him, she is like a snake but the baby on the dads lap has no legs.
Kid on the lower right has two right hands…
Kid on the top left has an impossibly long body, head/shoulders above their “dad”, and their leg is hanging off the side of the bed.
IDK what is going on with the kid in the bottom left, and their feet?
There’s a lot wrong with this picture.
Apparently that persons fetish is for a mutated family
Dude thinking that having a baby factory for a wife, is a political view.
Turning women into baby factories very much seems to be part of the political agenda of some people.
Most of Mia Farrow’s children are adopted. I think it’s a similar situation with Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
And DMX with 17 kids.
X gon give it to ya
Perfect example of how many if not most right-wing voters don’t give a shit about policy. It’s an aesthetic more than anything else. Flags and guns and football and church and big ol’ southern nuclear families. Get them to associate literally anything with that vibe and you’ll have 30% of voters in this country behind it.