To be fair, Safety Third makes a lot of sense.
Serious Explanation
I work at a company with a very strong safety culture because we produce and work with very dangerous substances. We have a company-wide safety meeting every week for office people, and worksites have short safety meetings every shift, and at pretty much every meeting. We talk about safety all the time. However, at almost every safety meeting, there’s a reported near miss or an actual injury, and they come with an explanation of which basic rule they violated.
This is one of the best cases of “safety first” thinking, the company is basically stating that safety is its responsibility, and violations of company rules are a problem the company needs to solve (i.e. more training, etc). However, the company has an opposing priority of profit, meaning that the primary reason the company implements safety procedures is to protect it from lawsuits and whatnot.
Safety Third recognizes this conflict of interest and clearly states that safety is the responsibility of the worker, though the company will do what it can to keep the work environment safe. At the end of the day, it’s the worker’s responsibility to keep themselves safe. Anything else is just a lie that makes workers feel safer than they actually are. It’s not about reducing the safety considerations the company puts in place, but to clearly communicate to the worker that it’s their responsibility to ensure they get home safety each day. Even the best company processes don’t matter if workers ignore them. The most important part, IMO, is “Stop Work Authority” (or “Andon” in Toyota processes), where any employee can halt any part of the process if they think something is unsafe, and that should be what the company focuses on, not all the checklists and reports that people have an incentive to ignore.
Anyway, I think this looks super fun. :)
I can’t see the kid’s face clearly enough to tell if they’re having the time of their lives or if they’re absolutely terrified.
This is just what life was like back then. People were wild, and free, and stupid, and happy.
And racist, and coughing a lot,
Edit: I don’t think my kids ever even had a lung oyster
The man pictured here is only 23 years old.
Some people are still racist
Dont take ur infants on motorcycle rides tho.
You’re not my wife!
Maybe I am 👀
As if girls were on the internet. Everyone knows they’re at home watching cooking shows.
Fuck, she found me.
Maybe I am 👀
Oh hi, honey!
Which weekend were you gonna be out-of-town again?Trick question. We live on the ISS, now float over here mister, I have a serious bone to pick with you.
Good thing that’s not an infant then!
Yeah, toddlers are people too!
Nah, this was super common when I was growing up. We all used to commute by motorcycle, even though we had a family car. We did wear helmets. I know it’s still common all over the world. I’m laughing now, cause my mother was super protective when I was inside the house, but of course riding on a motorcycle with a cheap plastic helmet was no worry for her. We thankfully never had an accident.
The most I’ve seen was family of 7 on a motorbike in Cambodia. The pots and pans and plastic I’ve seen people wear in Saigon was always pretty nuts. With the big difference being they’re typically not going very fast.
That’s nothing, add a sidecar and you can get those numbers up! In the Philippines, it’s common to get three behind the driver, 2-3 inside the sidecar, 2-3 on top of the sidecar, and 1-2 hanging on to the side of the sidecar:
That’s big league for sure. I have a fond memory of riding on the roof of a Jeepney with like 13 people and a bottle of tanduay
It’s on the stand…
I think that’s those drainage tubes. Forget what they’re called tho.
Nah that’s just the foot peg on the left side, along with the rear brake pedal protruding to the front. Riders left for is held out for balance behind the front wheel.
Exactly. Plus, you can see the dirt being thrown from the tires and the wind in their hair. Some people online just don’t know that people actually do stuff in real life.
I think you are right.
However I can’t get over a camera from back in the day with a shutter speed fast enough to capture the spokes that clearly.
It appears to be a 1970s bike (I would take a stab at a Yamaha LT3) and by that period shutter speeds of 1/500 or 1/1000 were readily available amongst better quality cameras. That would be plenty to get a clear shot of the spokes on what would be a relatively slow moving bike (I would assume <40km/h, likely noticeably less). I’ve got several 50s era cameras that have 1/500 top speeds, so even if the bike was new at the time of the photo it didn’t require a new camera to take the shot.
Really? So high ISO and fast shutter was just tech beyond those Luddites?
I have a 16mm Minolta from 1960 that’s smaller than a pack of cigarettes that us fully adjustable for f-stop and shutter speed (far faster than catching these spokes), plus it has multiple lenses.
The Polaroid instant cameras had shutter speeds up to 1/200.
IDK whether this photo is legit, but dads 100% did this stuff with their kids.
The safetyism today is sad.
And it’s combined with this sort of “condemnation culture” - as if everything anyone else does is wrong. It reeks of arrogance, of hubris.
Life is fatal. Unfortunately some people go through life so afraid of everything, and want to make others afraid of everything as well. They’d bubble wrap the world if they could.
Many people would be horrified at the stuff I’ve done (and my friends). And yes, I’ve lost friends and family along the way. It happens. Growing up and learning to deal with loss is part of life.
Is what this guy is doing the smartest thing? Maybe not. But maybe he was also minimizing risk as best he could (for all we know he was going around the yard, at speeds a kid would find exhilarating, we just don’t know).
I’ve been that kid. We rode in the back of pickups, on the backs of motorcycles (with no helmet! GASP!)
Save me from bloody pearl-clutching do-gooders.
It reeks of arrogance, of hubris.
It reeks of cowardice to me, and I see so much of it on this platform.
Ah yeah, its been a whle. But isnt the shifter on the left?
You’re right of course.
It’s been a while for me too.
It’s not the stand. It’s the foot peg and the shift pedal.
It isn’t on the stand but I think it’s a reasonable and value comment, to raise the question. People shouldn’t downvote you.
Who do you think took the picture?
Your friends who wanted to go motorcycling the day your wife was out of town.
I’ve heard this one. It was the wife’s heart!
Safety matters, but having lived matters even more.
“Look, I don’t want to die. But I don’t want to be sure I’m going to live, either…”
having lived matters even more.
cheese91 octaaaaaannneeee for the camera!’As Hunter S Thomas said: “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!””
Yeah but what right do you have to push that onto someone who can’t consent? Sure, let’s let my baby smoke weed and sit on my shoulders while I ride roller coasters, cause if he dies at least he had fun!
Fuck yeah!
Life should be whatever you want it to be. You want to chill the fuck out? You do you. Life, however, should not be full of regrets. Which largely stem from not allowong yourself to do what you want, whether it be from fear, pressure by other people, or certain expecations.
Quotes tend to be nice motivational forces but end up being very simplistic in a world that could not be more complex.
You both make excellent points. Upvotes for all.
Quote would mean more if he didn’t kill himself.
At least jump out of a plane with no parachute, Hunter.
Amen brother
Yeah, this photo is fake, but when I see boomer comments on other sites on photos all I can think is “survivor bias”
Safety Nazi.
Why do you say this photo is fake? My dad used to take me for rides just like this. One of his favorite stories to tell is about having to toss me off as it was going to fall over, and how I was having a blast, but my mother was not nearly so excited. I was around two at the time.
Because his foot is on the ground behind the front wheel, and the footrest empty.
So, you’re saying this video is fake too? Because his foot is clearly on the ground behind the front wheel.
You must not be a rider. Extending the inside foot in a turn is very common.
Have you never ridden a dirtbike at all?
I would not say having the inside foot off the peg and held forward in this situation is an indicator of the photo being fake, seeing as it’s a common behaviour when riding dirt bikes.
This is me and my dad. It isn’t, but it is.
My dad took both me and my brother (at the same time) for rides like this
Mostly I just remember the burns on my legs from the engine.
And then the motorcycle being broken and never getting fixed. I suspect my mom sabotaged it.
After 40 years of aging and a few wrinkles it’s mostly invisible now but I grew up with a large scar across the middle of my forehead from “riding” with my dad on the motorcycle and falling asleep whereupon I landed face first on the gas tank. I recall being told that I was less than two tears old at the time, thus the quotes.