4 panel comic.
Panel 1: there’s a person and a black swirling mass with arms and legs. The swirly thing says “Hi! I’m your void!”
Panel 2: the void says "you can shrink me by feeding me booze! and the person is shown pouring booze in to the void. The void looks a bit bigger than it was in the previous panel.
Panel 3: the void says “and junk food!” and the person is shown throwing a burger, fries etc. into the void, which is again bigger than it was.
Panel 4: the person says “but now you’re even bigger…”, and the now massive void replies “no hablo ingles.”
I remember when mine tried to teach itself Quebecois.
Demanded to be fed poutine and said “tabarnac” a lot?
Osti de caliss de tabarnak de marde.
Yes, and also mainly to feed a appetite of tv/movie comedies like C’est Pas Moi, C’est L’autre (2004) or OSS:117 (2006) {that one is a 007 parody}. And b-side actresses like Caroline Dhavernas. And to get that candy that tastes like soap.
You should check out Buddhism and when you figure that out, teach me. Please hurry, that void is coming closer.
are you supposed to just let it sit there or what
I think you touch it to different things and see what happens, if I remember my absurdists.
For me it’s sports, 7,5h of uninterrupted sleep, a healthy relationship with my eating habits and I once in a while tell myself that I’m enough and that I believe in myself.
I feed mine hallucinogens, seems to help… That and exercising aggressively enough to damage my body so I have a distraction
That’s exactly how a black hole behaves.émon)#Type_effectiveness
Use a Fairy attack duh.
I don’t get the joke.
Lucky you.
You feel bad. You engage in unhealthy activities in hopes to feel bad less. You end up feeling more bad long term.
Ah, thanks.
and at the end you turn spanish???
can you don’t put punchline in title
it is a bad
A) not the punchline
This post is basically the shit Redditor starter package.
Literally the punchline
Ask your doctor if dying mad about it is right for you
Did this warning used to blink at you?
It is inglés.
Without the ‘é’, it says that it doesn’t speak “groins”.
We can correct it in our minds, but as a Mexican scholar explained, these marks in Spanish should not be erased in other languages as they are quite important. It is the difference between “¡Feliz año nuevo!” (Happy New Year!) and “¡Feliz ano nuevo!” (Happy new anus!).
I do notice that in Spain people are more and more omitting the accents because they are annoying to type (with the exception of the ñ which has its own key on Spanish keyboards, besides the ‘l’, where the ; is on a US keyboard).
The other ones are kinda less important anyway and really, people know what you mean anyway. They don’t really think you are wishing them a happy anus (or maybe they do want your anus to be happy in the new year of course, which is nice 🥰)
But yeah it confuses auto translators, because sí (yes) and si (if) is often confused by them. When you’re reading spanish you will automatically discern this based on context, the accent doesn’t really matter and it’s hard to see anyway. On most screens it’s like 1 pixel of difference. It does tend to confuse people relying on translators though :)
I lost it at " 🥰"
But as someone with little understanding of the language I’m glad I read this from you and the OC
It’s talking about a grocery store in the south
The void doesn’t actually speak Spanish, it’s just pretending not to understand so that it doesn’t need to justify. Actually adds to the punchline
My VOIP doesn’t work like that at all.
This is pretty damn accurate