4 panel comic.
Panel 1: there’s a person and a black swirling mass with arms and legs. The swirly thing says “Hi! I’m your void!”
Panel 2: the void says "you can shrink me by feeding me booze! and the person is shown pouring booze in to the void. The void looks a bit bigger than it was in the previous panel.
Panel 3: the void says “and junk food!” and the person is shown throwing a burger, fries etc. into the void, which is again bigger than it was.
Panel 4: the person says “but now you’re even bigger…”, and the now massive void replies “no hablo ingles.”
can you don’t put punchline in title
it is a bad
A) not the punchline
This post is basically the shit Redditor starter package.
Literally the punchline
Ask your doctor if dying mad about it is right for you
Did this warning used to blink at you?