The “Harry Potter” author slammed a newly enacted hate-crime law in Scotland in a series of posts on X  in which she referred to transgender women as men.

J.K. Rowling shared a social media thread on Monday, the day a new Scottish hate-crime law took effect, that misgendered several transgender women and appeared to imply trans women have a penchant for sexual predation. On Tuesday, Scottish police announced they would not be investigating the “Harry Potter” author’s remarks as a crime, as some of Rowling’s critics had called for.

“We have received complaints in relation to the social media post,” a spokesperson for Police Scotland said in a statement. “The comments are not assessed to be criminal and no further action will be taken.”

Scotland’s new Hate Crime and Public Order Act criminalizes “stirring up hatred” against people based on their race, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity.

  • Flying Squid
    1381 year ago

    But will she continue bitching about it like Jordan Peterson still does about the law in Canada that he didn’t get arrested for supposedly violating?

        201 year ago

        Oh my goodness, that’s a tragic tale that explains so much. Back story really does make a difference in perspective, but she’s still a massive anal fissure of a person for alienating others and perpetuating the suffering she was passed.

          61 year ago

          Yeah if the most dramatic interpretation of all that is true, and I’m not saying it is, it’s not an excuse. A lot of the worst things done at anti gay conversion groups are done by people who objectively experience significant same gender attraction. That doesn’t absolve the straight people who taught them to hate themselves but their self hate manifests as torturing those who don’t hate themselves. It’s still evil to torture them no matter why you do it.

        1 year ago

        Oh, it’s the trans version of being gay is a choice i guess…

        Would explain a lot, because to most transppl the thought of someone wanting to be what they were assigned at birth makes no sense whatsoever. But regardless it’s not hard to accept that others might feel like you do but in reverse. Shows one hell of a lack of empathy to then conclude that must mean anyone claiming they do want to must have ulterior motives.

        Maybe that at least means there’s hope for her to realize what kind of bs she’s spouting, but she’s probably a lost cause.

        -181 year ago

        It’s sad watching you people twist your brains into knots to avoid realizing that some people don’t agree with you.

      251 year ago

      Misinterpreted the law and went on a campaign about how he’d protest it and go on some sort of hunger strike like a martyr. Everyone that platformed him during that time owes everyone an apology.

  • m-p{3}
    841 year ago

    A law is a strong as its enforcement. Without enforcement, it’s just political posturing.

      741 year ago

      What makes laws strong is precedent and this law doesn’t have any. Her case is too flimsy and we don’t want her to set precedent since she has infinite lawyers to defend her. Its better to get more solid cases first and then go after her when there is solid precedent.

        1 year ago

        It’s better not to persecute people just because you disagree with them.

        It’s sad how you people are literally pushing for a world where someone can get arrested for not calling a trans woman a woman.

        You’re going to make way more enemies than friends with that rhetoric, trust me.

          41 year ago

          Hello baby account that was created in order to comment on this thread but is also asking me to trust you.

          The bill does not say that people will be arrested for “Not calling trans women women”. it’s the fucking Jordan Peterson thing again. You need to make clear threats towards the group and calling for the group to be abused to the same standard required by individual harassment charges.

            -61 year ago

            So what’s the problem? She’s not making clear threats to the group or calling for them to be abused, but people in this thread still think she should be arrested.

              -11 year ago

              Why do you think I want to defend the opinions of people that isn’t me? Go reply to their comments instead you weird little goblin.

                -41 year ago

                Why are you insulting me? Lol.

                If you don’t agree with them, then why are you commenting?

  • Hilarious that this wretched lump of hate is being a crybully about how she’s supposedly putting herself in legal danger, even though she sends legal threats to people in the UK who call her a TERF. And I do mean people posting shit on Twitter, not newspapers publishing stories about her. “Free speech” (the right to incite hatred against minorities) for me but not for thee.

    • Omega
      191 year ago

      Why would she object to being a TERF? Isn’t she pretty open about her beliefs?

      • TERFs love to play this game where TERF is actually a misogynistic slur, even when it completely accurately describes their bigotry. It reframes them as victims of misogyny instead of bigots.

        • Omega
          101 year ago

          Do they pretend that they don’t hate trans women? Is this like the “I’m not racist, but…” people?

          • Depends on the audience, very often they will pay lip service to the idea that trans people shouldn’t be criminalized out of existence, and then with a more fashy audience just start goose stepping and talking about all the ways trans people should be criminalized out of existence. Even JKR has done that song and dance, saying that “if trans people were oppressed” she would march for them. 🙄

          • Ada
            51 year ago

            Do they pretend that they don’t hate trans women?

            Rowling has done that, yeah.

            She’s literally said that she’d march with trans people if our rights were under attack, whilst attacking our rights.

      1 year ago

      True, but she also isn’t breaking any laws in this case.

      Do you people legitimately believe others should be arrested because they don’t call you the words you want? Wow.

        1 year ago

        This comment was removed for saying: True, but she also isn’t breaking any laws in this case. Do you people legitimately believe others should be arrested because they don’t call you the words you want? Wow.

        The reason given was saying “you people.” It’s painfully clear there is a a biased mod or group of mods on the mod team that wants to censor anything critical of the trans agenda.

        Here’s another comment with someone calling me a “weird little goblin”, but they support the trans agenda so their comment gets to stay:

        Lol. It’s so transparent it’s actually sad. I hope we get a new news community to replace this one.

  • Skye
    431 year ago

    Notice how they said

    Not assessed to be criminal

    And not

    Assesed to be not criminal

    Scottish Cops are still Cops I guess

    391 year ago

    The tweet makes it plainly obvious where she stands regarding trans people. Disgusting.

    Im ashamed to admit that I thought the previous allegations against her were wrong and only based on maliciously misinterpreted tweets.

    • McKee
      391 year ago

      Yeah, two years ago I was kinda not sure what the issue was not actually following the thing too closely. Then I watched Shaun’s video essay on YouTube, discussed with some trans friends about the issue and started checking her twitter.

      She literally only tweets about trans people all day every day and often insinuates they are rapists/pedo etc.

      She’s crazy.

      61 year ago

      The sad thing is, I believe she didn’t start in such an extreme position. If you read her work she clearly understands the benefits of diversity and inclusion.

      Cancel culture pushes people with one bad take in to extremist communities that foster and feed the ugliest parts of a person. By barring them from any community that might actually try to challenge their opinions and foster compassion, we essentially create martyrs that are exalted in extremist communities. All the while, we act like we defeated them and stick our heads in the sand. Like they’re not still voting in every election. Like they’re not still out there spewing darker and darker bullshit to an audience that eats it up and to the next batch of people we “cancel”.

      If you disagree with someone, however painful it may be, treat them with basic respect and talk to them. You won’t change their mind, but you might plant the seed that will. It’s the only way out of this mess.

      • It’s not “cancel culture”: it’s calling out their horrific beliefs. If gettings called out on having horrible thoughts leads you to becoming more extreme in those thoughts then you’re just a bad person.

        Plus JK Rowling is still rolling in millions of dollars. She has every resource and avenue to learn better, and actively chooses not to. Fuck JK Rowling and her transphobic bullshit.

          1 year ago

          She also has every insulation to not need to. Which is my point. I think she has, or at least had, the capacity to learn compassion for trans people. But it’s really hard to suddenly learn compassion when everyone that genuinely has it immediately starts depriving you of it.

          Your final sentence there is precisely the sentiment that she’s received from everyone that understands the compassion she needs to learn. This is not conducive to the cooperation our society needs. The compassion she does receive is actually from very hateful people.

          It takes a very rare person in this situation where they’re being attacked and are starting off with a toxic mentality to suddenly stop, rise above, self-reflect, admit their failings, and grow. So people with one bad take are immediately cast into a sea of poison when they don’t know how to swim. It’s happening over and over again. And cancel culture is patting itself on the back the whole time, saying, “See? They were a bad egg!” When they’re just as much to blame for that person’s downfall as the hateful community that fostered it.

          • But she also has every single resource to escape her line of thinking while refusing to do so. She has never interacting with the trans community in any sort of good faith: so she does not deserve it in kind.

            None of this is “cancel culture”: again it’s calling out her horrific thoughts and ideas. Plus those same horrific thoughts and ideas have tangible horrific effects. Fuck JK Rowling.

              1 year ago

              She doesn’t know she needs to. She can’t humanize the other side. Something I think you can relate to. I’m not at all against calling out JK Rowling and her absolutely toxic viewpoint. I’m actually advocating for it. I’m calling out your toxic viewpoint because “Fuck JK Rowling” isn’t a heroic position that’s just “calling someone out”. It’s a vilifying statement that provides no path to redemption. It’s a selfish position you take to alleviate yourself of the responsibility of putting in the work to try and help the other person understand what they need to. While simultaneously making yourself feel like a champion.

              I think if you set aside your ego and think about the times in your life when you got something wrong, you were only able to grow from it if your community (or maybe friends or family) help you to do so.

              If you assume everyone that does a bad thing is evil, you’ll lose the fight pretty quick. When you keep pouring your hate into other people because they gave you a chance to do it while feeling righteous, the other side will gladly take them as soldiers. You’re just as responsible for those “horrific effects” as the people encouraging JK Rowling.

              Imagine someone with the influence and platform of JK Rowling being on our side rather than pulling this shit. She could be an inspiration to all TERFs if we could make her understand the error of her ways. Even if she never did, I promise you, she wouldn’t be as extreme as she is now if people spent more time talking to her with basic respect and patience. Rather than selfishly using her as a conduit for their anger over the issue, however justified that rage may be.

              I understand that a lot of people are traumatized and pissed and it sucks. But we’ve got to talk to each other. I know that in the end you want to make the world a better place. So hear this: any relationship without constructive conversation is doomed. We know they’re not going to pull their weight. So we’ve got to pull double. Don’t tell me it’s not your responsibility, because you’re right. But it doesn’t change the fact that they’re going to go out next election and make their vote. Nor does it change the fact that they’re going to keep donating to horrible institutions. So it’s got to be us. We’ve got to be the adults.

                1 year ago

                She is a billionaire that invests her resources into persecuting people for who they are and simply existing. Your acting as if she’s some teenager that said something without thinking. She a full grown adult who should know better, but instead acts like a child having a tantrum whenever she’s called out. I’m just some person saying fuck her for all of her bullshit. Don’t pretend as if we’re the same. We are not.

                Your attempt to compare us is not only disingenuous, but your rhetoric is actively condoning the multiple transphobic actions JK Rowling has made. She doesn’t deserve coddling: she’s fucking 58 years old. We can talk about human connection and pretend that “cancel culture” exists all we want. That doesn’t change the fact that she started raging against people’s human rights and then doubled down when called out. And until she recognizes how harmful her actions are she doesn’t deserve the slightest bit of consideration or pity. She doesn’t give it to the trans community, why the fuck should I give it to her? Just so she can spit on it and tell me to go die? Fuck that.

                Though that’s a point I don’t expect someone yelling “cancel culture” to actually absorb and reflect on.

                  -41 year ago

                  Of course she doubled down when she was “called out” by your definition. With zero compassion or path for redemption. That’s my point. But no I guess I got infected by the idea of “cancel culture is bad”, sorry. I’m so silly. You’re right, spewing hate at people is the way to go, idk why I didn’t see it before. Maybe because that’s what’s happening and it hasn’t worked so far. But you’re right, if we scream a little louder she’ll have to understand she’s wrong. Any day now 😂

                51 year ago

                this kinda sounds like victim blaming. you’re putting it on trans people to tolerate hateful attacks and change their attackers’ minds, lest those people become more extreme when they’re rightfully called out. compare to any other minority/targeted group and those who hate them and listen to how your argument sounds.

                naw. sorry, it’s on shitty people like Rowling to stop being shitty.

                  1 year ago

                  When you say “it’s on Rowling”, if there’s some sense of grand justice in the cosmos, you’re right. But in the real, “we actually have to live on this planet with each other”, sense? No sorry, we’re fucked if you’re just going to vent your anger and call that progress.

                  It’s like you’re standing on the deck of a sinking ship with your arms folded grumbling, “Not my fault we’re sinking”. You can debate the moral justice of your position 'til we’re all underwater. Or you can grab a wrench and actually help.

                  You bring up a really great point and a glaring omission in my previous comments. So thanks for your comment. I’m not saying that you should be subjected to hateful people if you’re mentally unable to withstand that. Just like I’m not saying you should go to war if you have a bad knee. Your health and well-being should be your first concern. In fact you’ll probably just do more harm than good if you’re not fit and ready to fight that fight. When you do choose to fight, you’ve got to be ready, because it won’t be easy.

                  There should be safe spaces for Trans people or anyone, devoid of these toxic aggressors. Places where they can vent and say, “Fuck you JK Rowling!!” and not have to worry someone is going to come in and challenge their identity and truth. If you need to sort through your trauma and get therapy, by all means, stay away from toxic assholes until you’re on stable ground. Secure your mask before helping others.

                  But if we’re trying to think of how we might actually be able to better the growing toxic divide between the right and left, it’s not more toxicity. When we actually interact or post something intended to be seen by someone like JK Rowling, they don’t see your anger as consequences. They see it as justification that they were right all along. When you come out to fight you’ve got to leave the hateful venting at the door and try and build some kind of productive discourse. Communication is the basis for ANY productive relationship.

                  Edit: Just saw this very appropriate video that came out 2 hours ago, lol. Sort of a counter point to my point of view. But still very interesting.

      • isthereanyseal
        1 year ago

        You’re so right… maybe your words will seed common sense in some people today. Take my petty upvote.

  • ALQ
    251 year ago

    This TERF needs to just accept that she’s not relevant anymore. She is just a washed up, miserable person and not even her bottomless wallet can bring her happiness.

      231 year ago

      You say this yet people keep throwing money at her. Studios and HP fans alike.

      She is still unfortunately relevant to a huge swath of people

        31 year ago

        That’s why I sail the seven sees, especially if it’s about content she might get royalties from.

        But also, there hasn’t been anything good since the first fantastic beasts movie…

        Also also, I made harry potter themed fuck JK pins, so a few lgbtq friends of mine could still wear their hp merch without endorsing her.

    201 year ago

    While i agree with the sentiment i am concerned by this idea of policing how other people talk to each other. It seems completely insane that a government should be able to legally punish people for talking disrespectfully with each other. That is the essence of freedom of speech. People are able to express themselves freely without fear of the state punishing it.

      191 year ago

      Not everyone is a free speech extremist like many Americans. When the idea of free speech was developed, it was to protect political speech from legal consequences, not to guard some kind of right to incite hatred or violence towards minorities. These ideas are very different and shouldn’t be conflated.

        1 year ago

        I am not an American, in fact I am German, a country which actually has restrictions on free speech in place.

        Nowadays we use it to squash anti Israel protests.

        • Shake747
          121 year ago

          That’s exactly how I’d expect a government to use this. It’s not a good path

          1 year ago

          They are cracking down on the anti Israeli protests because antisemitic hate crimes have doubled.

            01 year ago

            So its only antisemitic if its against Israel? We are arresting and silencing other Jews and Israelis who are against this campaign of genocide. That’s okay with you?

        • The Octonaut
          -61 year ago

          I fully support Palestine and yet I’m 100% OK with Germans having the sense to keep their opinions to themselves on the matter.

            1 year ago

            We don’t keep our opinions to ourselves, we dissolve demonstrations for Palestine and arrest even Jews who speak out against the genocide. We also confiscate their assets.

      111 year ago

      Denying somes’s personhood is more than speech. It’s dangerous, and can cause actual harm, especially for someone with such a huge platform, with special influence over children

        131 year ago

        While I want to agree with the sentiment behind what you said I find it really hard to get behind government legally telling people what they can and can’t say. I personally feel like it’s every skinhead assole’s right to say racist awful shit. I also feel like if you’re going to exercise that right with reckless abandon, you’re gonna get fucked up by some people who don’t take kindly. As detrimental as their regressive views may be, I believe we simply cannot have legal punishments for saying something the government doesn’t agree with. It’s a very slippery slope.

        • Flying Squid
          41 year ago

          I personally feel like it’s every skinhead assole’s right to say racist awful shit. I also feel like if you’re going to exercise that right with reckless abandon, you’re gonna get fucked up by some people who don’t take kindly.

          Is that what happened in 1930s Germany or the 1950s U.S. South?

          Racism is an implicit call to violence. Suggesting that it can also be solved by violence is not borne out by history.

          • Shake747
            51 year ago

            Racism isn’t an implicit call to violence. Violence is one of the ways it can manifest if it’s deranged enough, but most racism is just sorta quiet and often unconscious.

            It’s not a good idea for the government tell you what you’re allowed to say - that change has to come naturally from the bottom up, not artificially from the top down

            • Flying Squid
              11 year ago

              that change has to come naturally from the bottom up, not artificially from the top down

              Cool, when is that change going to happen? Because from what I’ve seen, there’s still a vast amount of racism in this world.

                • Flying Squid
                  1 year ago

                  You didn’t answer my question.

                  You said change has to come naturally from the bottom up in order to stop bigoted attacks. Bigotry has been around for a very long time.

                  So… when is that natural change going to happen? Are we talking centuries?

        • Avid Amoeba
          1 year ago

          I’m tired of having to do this work and it never ending. Get a law passed and start enforcing. People are being harmed and it shouldn’t be this much work to defend them. Perhaps absolute free speech regulated by individuals was scalable when not every deplorable pos had a worldwide megaphone.

        • OsaErisXero
          -11 year ago

          So you’re saying we should form a mob and fuck her up then, that’s your preferred solution to this problem?

        71 year ago

        While this specific case may even be somewhat justified, where does it end? What constitutes an insult so grievous that the government should punish you for it?

        Misgendering, alright. Attacking someone’s honor? Probably. Putting together an angry, slur-filled rant? Perhaps. Insulting someone’s parents? Hmm.

        And so forth. This is an incredibly slippery slope, one that virtually all democracies currently existing have avoided to go down because it inevitably leads to oppression.

            111 year ago

            I am German. We have restrictions on free speech in place, primarily around Nazism and Israel.

            Our government is literally curbing anything critical of israel with those restrictions at this very moment.

                71 year ago

                I don’t think that’s the lesson here. More that even the most well intentioned restrictions can and will be abused by the government once they have that power. If our far right gets into the government I cant imagine what kind of dystopian crap they will try to do with it.

                I am similarly very sceptical of the constant debate for more surveillance and online control in the name of ”protecting the children”. Another very worthy, and very emotionally charged cause where most people will instinctively agree before even thinking about the consequences.

                • Flying Squid
                  -31 year ago

                  Again- that did not happen when Bolsonaro took power in Brazil.

                  So maybe the problem is your laws, not hate speech laws in general.

                  You’re acting like Germany is the only country in the world that has these laws.

      41 year ago

      We have hate speech laws where I live. 99% of us don’t even realize it because 99% of us aren’t running around being bigots and calling for the extermination of groups of people based on race, gender, etc. You only need to worry about those laws if you’re the kind of person who those laws are in place for. Nobody is gonna arrest you if you’re a bigot, but if you’re standing on a street corner calling for blood you just might

        51 year ago

        The issue with this thought is that when the party you hate comes into power they just might decide to add their own groups to these type of laws. Would you be ok if people got arrested for protesting against Trump?

          01 year ago

          That’s why you have multiple instances such laws have to go through. It would all work so much better if people would vote, too.

            21 year ago

            Lol no it’s not, it’s why no one dumb enough is willing to pack the courts. They know what happens if the other side gets in control again. Might work out for 2-4 years but after that it’s anyone’s guess on how much damage the other side will do.

        151 year ago

        Freedom of speech is, very much so, the freedom of consequences from the government for anything you are saying. In fact that is pretty much the textbook definition.

        The consequences are for other citizens to mete out, like ostracizing bigots. But fundamentally the government has no right to police what anyone says, aside from inciting of violence and such.

      11 year ago

      To a large extent I agree, but i think anti slander laws are a generally accepted precedent that limit what people can say to or about another person. It’s possible that the new law follows similar logic, and is intended to prevent harm in much the same way.

    • dumbass
      01 year ago

      So telling an entire group of people, who some of them used your books as a safe escape from the bullying they suffered in the real world, that you think they are vile, disgusting and shouldn’t exist, is just simply being disrespectful?

      I believe that once you become part of the global zeitgeist you should be held more accountable for your words and actions, like old racist Jimmy Noneck down at a local bar can’t encite hate and violence on the same level as a global household name can.

      Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequence.

        111 year ago

        It isnt freedom of consequence. It is freedom from the government interfering or penalizing you for what you are saying. The consequences are for the civil society to determine, but never the government.

        • dumbass
          01 year ago

          Hate crime laws were because of civil society, that’s how this system works, these laws always came after some sort of civil unrest.

          Plus we’re not talking about a random normal person like us, were talking about someone who has a global reach and some power to wield, they should be held responsible for what they say, she can get someone hurt or killed way easier than you and I could.

          Yeah the law could be tweaked a bit, like all laws, but to leave it up to society to dish it out is, in my opinion, a bit more dangerous.

    • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
      -31 year ago

      Would you still say this if some rando inspired by this cunt’s incessant endorsement of anti-trans rhetoric assaults or murder someone?

      • fiend_unpleasant ☑️
        111 months ago

        Oh I agree it’s a shit law, but if you are going to have shit laws make sure they apply evenly. I also have a personal vendetta against JKR. HP was just crappy Stsr Wars fanfic, and she is a trashcan of a human being.

        11 year ago

        Thatcher hated trans people and Rowling is a Holocaust denier. what do we gain by allowing her to continue spewing hateful rhetoric to a massive audience?

            11 year ago

            so you’d rather lose the trans people to violence or suicide than regulate hate speech against them?

              1 year ago

              “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

              I don’t wish anyone harm, but I will always choose the right to speak freely over what a governing body considers “safe”.