New York Attorney General trolls former president as interest starts accruing on monster judgment

A $455m judgment against Donald Trump is increasing by more than $110,000 each day due to interest penalties.

And New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is preprared to seize his assets if necessary, is not going to let Mr Trump forget.

When the final judgment in the sprawling fraud trial against Mr Trump, his adult sons Donald Jr and Eric Trump, and former Trump Organization executives was approved on Friday, the attorney general’s X account posted the exact figure down to the last cent.

Twenty four hours later, her account wrote: “+$114,553.04”.

  • EbbyA
    7 months ago

    I wish I could earn in a year what he lost in a day. It would solve so, so many hardships I face in life.

    F him for grifting so damn much

      637 months ago

      It’s a brutal reminder of just how staggeringly rich the truly rich are.

      A dollar amount in a day that’s so much more than most have over a year.

      Imagine never having to worry about the price of anything ever.

        177 months ago

        Fake billionaire. Still wealthy, but dude is Prince Ali, only with pedo/creep tendencies and no Genie and a cult following… maybe more on the level with Kenneth Copeland…

          107 months ago

          I used to be really confused by the “fake it 'till you make it crowd” but in the recent years I realized how far it can take you when people just think that you are rich. I really can’t wait until this planet sluffs us off like fleas and something better comes along in a million years.

    • Flying Squid
      117 months ago

      He gave $130,000 hush money to Stormy Daniels for not letting it get out that he cheated on his wife with her.

      I could probably stretch $130,000 into a good 5 years of living if I was careful without even doing anything involving investing or whatever.

  • SnausagesinaBlanket
    827 months ago

    She screamed at Cuomo and made him sign for legal cannabis in NY after that bastard was gonna delay it another year.

    She doesn’t back down to anyone.

    • Teon
      207 months ago

      +$100.00 every 1 minute & 13 seconds.
      Love it!
      Bleed him dry.

      57 months ago

      Sometimes the internet is a force for good.

      That being said, he will send this link to his gullible clingers in a fundraising email saying “look how mean they are!!!”

      And of course it’ll work, just like it does every other time.

        47 months ago

        You can’t really work around what might work on Trump’s following anyway, because everything works :-S

        Damned if you don’t, damned if you do. I say let it all hang out!

  • nkat2112
    627 months ago

    Let’s be clear: this lady rocks. Good on her - and the million victims of this “victimless” crime. The people of New York.

    477 months ago

    The funny part is how so far Trump hasn’t posted a bond for the appeal. Trump doesn’t *have * to do it but the consequences of not doing so are basically calamitous - if he doesn’t post bond then the state can seize and sell off his property to the amount he owes. Then both sides fight about it for a year or whatever while the money sits in the court’s account and he is deprived of revenue from the properties sold. Oh and the interest keeps accruing. And the lawyer bill will be in the tens of millions.

    I’m sure the state won’t be sensitive to his reputation when deciding what to seize to cover the debts. Can you imagine the hilarity that would ensue if they sold off Trump Tower or one of his other flagship properties?

    So Trump is screwed. If he does somehow post bond there will be a lot of people asking how he managed it since he surely doesn’t have the cash. In that case expect firesales of his other properties and loans from super shady foreign businessmen.

      7 months ago

      I can imagine there are more than a few foreign (and domestic) billionaires salivating at the idea of buying a GOP presidential frontrunner while simultaneously securing fire-sale level security positions on his properties.

      • Flying Squid
        7 months ago

        That the fun thing about what SCOTUS decided. Now that money is speech, foreign powers can set up PACs which claim to be helping a candidate get elected but are actually able to pay that candidate’s legal fees for something totally unrelated and it’s all totally legal!

        God bless America, am I right?

    • prole
      7 months ago

      His plan is to become president and make those things go away. Seriously. How they go away isn’t important to him, so the calamitous side effects it would cause would be of none of his concern.

      Of course it doesn’t work that way in a democracy. So they’re doing away with that too. If you’re an autocrat, suddenly state attorneys general don’t really have any power over you.

        37 months ago

        You say it doesn’t work that way yet this person’s entire career is one that proves that these systems don’t work.

        He has largely been immune from consequence and until this actually starts to show teeth then it’s just more of the same.

      7 months ago

      They need to sell Trump Tower to someone that promises to show the exact same respect that Trump showed to the historic landmark that had multiple pieces of art promised to The Met, when he bought the property. Then, shove as much of his gaudy shit in there and demo the whole lot.

        27 months ago

        I’m hoping for they seize something big and humiliating to his reputation. Wouldn’t be surprised if we learn though that Trump Tower or whatever is mortgaged up the ass so the value in seizing it is far less than it’s the building’s valuation as a total. So that’ll be fun since they might have to seize multiple properties. Doesn’t have to be confined to NY either, they can enforce seizures on his golf courses, Mar a Lago etc.

        107 months ago

        I’m sure it’s super complicated what he owns, what his entities own, and what they owe the banks and other investors.

        17 months ago

        In practice it doesn’t matter. If he makes a shell company, the state can seize/lien his ownership thereof and then force a sale of the property anyway.

    • I don’t think that’s quite how it works, but I’m not sure.

      If he wants to appeal then he has to post cash or surety within 30 days. If he does not, then he can not appeal.

      However, I assume that if he does not, the court will still have some song and dance to do before seizing assets.

      I suspect Trump will not post bond and appeal, but rather try to delay payment as long as possible, hoping to become POTUS and just authoritarian his way out of it.

        97 months ago

        He doesn’t have to post an appeal bond (otherwise known as a supersedeas bond) to appeal but not doing so means the plaintiff can seize the money pending the outcome of the appeal and can do so how they see fit after 30 days of the judgement.

        So on the one hand he could put up various properties as sureties to a bond company and post bond and at least retain control & income from those properties pending appeal. Or he can fail to post bond let the plaintiffs seize what they like regardless of the harm it causes his reputation and business. I’m pretty sure E Jean Carroll and New York would be quite happy to force him to sell off Trump Tower or whatever else to meet his obligations.

        But regarding surety & bond, I wonder what bond company would trust Trump’s valuations of his own properties. They’ll probably demand he put so much up in surety that he’d balk at it. Hence why shady foreign business men might enter the picture.

    7 months ago

    I assume the interest is compounding so the amount should increase each day.

    I stand corrected. It’s simple interest. I’m genuinely surprised by this.

      7 months ago

      It’s simple interest, not compound interest.

      So it just adds the same amount each day: just under 0.025% of the original fine (i.e. 9% per year, accrued daily).

      At least according to the Legal Eagle video I watched about it.

      Edit: Thanks jmfwnsfw for the correction. I originally said 9% per day which is insane. It’s 9% per year, accrued daily.

      • Scratch
        47 months ago

        “Correct! Game over! Your final score is 10/10.”

        First try!

      77 months ago

      If I recall correctly from a story when the judgment was handed down, the law in NY makes it so it’s calculated as simple interest rather than compound. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. $110,000/day seems very small when compared to the $465,000,000 he owes within less than a month though

        47 months ago

        It’s like 9% interest APR. Roughly, I can’t be bothered with logarithms on a Tuesday.

        More than I get from my bank account, but less than my credit card tries to charge.

      17 months ago

      There’s no pressure until these things prove that they actually have teeth.

      He’s literally went his entire life threatened with punishments that have never been received. I don’t even believe it’s going to happen until it happens given what we’ve witnessed thus far

    • The Snark Urge
      67 months ago

      Everyone who wants to be president needs money

      That’s how the system was designed, by people who have money

        • The Snark Urge
          47 months ago

          Which would be pretty cool, because his only hope for avoiding prison is whatever he thought “presidential immunity” was