The Biden campaign fiercely denounced Donald Trump following his caustic remarks aimed at immigrants Saturday, saying the former president “parroted Hitler.”
“Tonight Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong Un, and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy,” Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.
Trump on Saturday ratcheted up his already inflammatory rhetoric on immigrants at a rally in New Hampshire. “They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” the former president said. “They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world they’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia.”
Parroted Hitler again.
TBF, it’s not hard to parrot Hitler. When they put emphasis on him being a former corporal, that’s because he behaved like a pretty mundane former corporal. Was a born orator, though, which is hard to attribute to Trump.
Now Goebbels himself was more dramatic and original and just as good an orator as Hitler. Which means he’s being regularly revisited by modern politicians for his efficiency, and not because of just being mundane.
I say this as someone who opposes him utterly: Trump used to actually be a decent orator. It’s… kinda sad, and kinda scary, in a way. I watched an interview he did from… sometime in the 80s, I want to say. I didn’t agree with everything he said, but he seemed well composed and he made his points coherently.
Compare that to how he is nowadays and it’s like it’s not even the same man. Not just the raging psychopathy and egomania, but how he wanders off mid sentence and such. The cognitive decline is painfully obvious. When you figure this is a guy who had access to the best possible modern medicine his entire life, it’s scary to see.
Memento mori.
Says the other parrot.
Le bOTh sIDeS aRE ThE sAMe aMiRItE?!
Six one way half a dozen the other. Genocide over there or Genocide over here. YOUR CHOICE!
Literally both sides double down…lol wow what a loser
In elections, it’s about choosing the candidate with fewer flaws and moral imperfections, even if not perfect. The lesser of two evils is often the better choice.
Why choose the lesser of two Evils? IA! Fthagn!!!
Edit: and apparently none you kids get my century old reference. Whatever, lol.
Enlightened centrists are so 2016 🥱
I’m so left you don’t get a right hand to speak with.
What is that even supposed to mean? Do you disagree with the statement that Trump has been repeating Nazi rhetoric?
You’re assuming logic, reasoning, and reasonability are something common to people of their ilk. Which in my experience is not the case.
It has literally been on the news every other week. Are you daft, clueless or contrarian?
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Get a grip lol
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From Mein Kampf:
‘All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.’
Another passage:
‘All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.’
Oddly enough, it seems that most great cultures of the past flourished when they had the most visitors and the most mixing of ideas from all over.
That’s why reading most of the stuff from Hitler is sooo backwards and upside down. The dude had no grasp on history or anything frankly. Such a flipped and frankly ignorant spoutings all the time. Almost really directly relatable to the orange one himself when you get down to brass tacks.
Globalism in antiquity. Globalism now. Globalism forever!
Free trade and open borders. No accidents of birth. Gentrify the earth.
Thanks now I have to go take a shower
Damn, he was spot-on about lying, as Trump has amply demonstrated. Although the first time I can remember thinking “they’d never lie about something that big” was when they were trying to sell the Iraq war. I was pretty naive back then.
‘All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.’
Is this referring to “races” as we see it these days, or to the root races of theosophy as described by Madame Blavatsky?
Edit: You need to fucking chill guys, 23 downvotes for asking a question
It’s a fucking Hitler quote. Do we really need to analyze it for nuance?
That’s kind of what studying history is.
Hey, at least the guy had the guts to kill Adolf Hitler - a notorious war criminal I’d like to add!
Yeah but he had the means and opportunity the entire time. He was a coward.
😂 have my updoot
“Just asking questions”
There’s a difference. It wasn’t a Tucker question, in my opinion. They were asking for a time reference, because, while bad either way, knowing chronological context makes a huge difference in understanding the whole.
Knowing and understanding are equally important
“We need to understand the racists better”
Uh… Yes?
Do you really believe you can defeat and enemy you do not understand?
What kinda new age nativity is this???
There’s a time and place to discuss what the NAZIs truly believe, a clan meeting maybe? Instigating them in the public square only gives them a platform to be awful and seed their insidious rhetoric.
Bullshit. Walling off parts of history and the beliefs that informed them as some kind of forbidden knowledge is never going to end well. Bad ideas die in the light of clear-sighted intellectual scrutiny, not in the darkness of an imposed blackout.
It’s OK to admit that you are mistaken. There’s no shame in it and in fact, to the contrary, it will redound to your credit.
Well kinda yeah. If you know where the hatred comes from you have a better chance to turn it around.
Your favorite Nazi: “and I was just living day-to-day calling for the death of minorities. Then one day on lemmy someone thought to ask, ‘which variety of racism do you suscribe?’ That right there changed everything for me. Someone really wanted to understand why I have murderous rage. I still have that murdous rage but I got to talk about it too! So remember everyone, my ideas deserve your consideration.”
Also known as ‘JaQing Off’
You’re getting downvoted, but I’m not picking up the “just asking questions” vibe.
In context that quote is about race mixing. I had never read the book until I searched for that quote, and the author is, essentially, claiming human achievement is the result of a few hyper capable people, and everyone else is simply benefiting from their ideas.
Leading up to that quote the author is saying “species” (and I’m assuming in earlier chapters the claim is made that humans are not a single species) shouldn’t interbread because one is always better than the other, and therefore the offspring won’t be as “good” as the better parent.
So in context this is essentially saying the death of every culture happened because less “quality” humans started breading with the “quality” humans.
Which is hilarious, because after reading a handful of pages from this book I can only assume Hitler is the dumbest mother fucker whose ever existed.
Yes I was asking because there is this supposed connection between Hitlers’ ideas and Occultism, especially Blavatsky’s ideas. Theosophy has this concept of root races, basically superior humans from lost civilizations (like Atlantis), so when I saw the quote I thought it could be interpreted both ways, the normal racist way, that white people are superior, yada yada, or the occultist racist way that these lost races that had basically superpowers were losing them because of mixing with “normal” inferior humans.
I only know the basics of both of these authors, so I asked because maybe there would be someone more versed in the subject. But apparently just the mere thought of exploring the historical figure of Hitler makes you a nazi.
Dumb people say dumb things. My guess is there are a lot less dumb people now than there ever has been. But dumb people will always exist.
I’ve never read any of those authors. Sociology has never really interested me, but good for you for learning history and studying what interests you.
Like, if you’re looking to engender yourself to someone common hatred is surprisingly effective. People inherently trust others who agree with them, and shouting loudly you hate Nazis is a cheap and easy way to gain points to the crowd they’re trying to gain favor with.
My take is if you’re so unconfident in your ability to discuss you resort to shouting you hate Nazis, you’re probably a moron. It’s like saying “I disagree with anyone who even SUGGESTS drinking rat poison.”
Like yeah, no shit.
The scariest part? This guy is polling above Biden
Biden being their best chance of defeating Trump is scary enough.
Not the best, just the only one, because nobody else is being considered
I think that may be a distinction without a difference.
Gotta keep the israeli agent in power
I mean, I feel your frustration, but I don’t imagine trump would be any better in that regard
Well just apply his words, immigrants tainting blood… His position would be to fully support Isreal and wipe out any foreign blood that could come near their borders. Expand their borders for “sake of security” agaisnt said foreigners and then start over.
The “their” you reference is the Democratic Party. It’s the party’s best chance of defeating Trump. People with better chances don’t fit well enough within the party to get their nomination.
And the only reason the Democratic Party has a say is because the U.S. political system was designed to only allow one of two winners. The system is designed so that any third party offering will fail, and their attempt will harm the party with the “nearest” compatible beliefs.
It’s a shitshow. Built poorly (on purpose to preserve power of the political elites), and litigated to be even worse, so corporations can bribe those elites.
polls said the same about Hillary. Biden will win again
no he won’t, not if American voters keep apathetically stumbling towards fascism like they have been the last few years. The only way this is going to work is if everybody Taylor Swift’s the fuck out of this election, no more pussy footing around
Trump has actually never won the popular vote. Unfortunately, majorities don’t really matter in the American election system.
It is possible to out-vote the inherent inequities of the electoral college system and the decades of gerrymandering, but it will take a concerted effort to get out the vote from the demographicswho have been targeted by those voter supression efforts, especially in places like Florida and Texas.
Uhh what?? Trump got elected once. That is it. Since then Dems have basically come out on top every election since likely because of Trump. Polling has always proven to be dog shit.
Trump is a boogeyman Dems use to encourage people to vote their way. We aren’t heading to fascism because of him
He almost won in 2020. The GOP has been hard at work across the country with gerrymandering and other election fuckery for the last few years. And while polling may not be gospel, it’s a rough indicator. I wouldn’t act so confident that he’s going to lose. I’m optimistic he will, but I wouldn’t say it’s an absolute certainty.
And if you don’t believe a large percentage of Americans are clamoring for authoritarianism, then you obviously haven’t been paying attention.
How do you figure he almost won? He lost damn near every key swing state. That election was not close.
When you look at the smallest popular vote shift needed to give Trump a victory, the 2020 election was close. Indeed, it was even closer than 2016. If Trump picked up the right mix of 42,921 votes in Arizona (10,457), Georgia (11,779), and Wisconsin (20,682), the Electoral College would have been tied at 269 all. The House would have then decided the election. Republicans will hold the majority of state delegations in the new Congress, and they undoubtedly would have chosen Trump. If Trump had also picked up the one electoral vote in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District, which he lost to Biden by 22,091 votes, he would have won the Electoral College outright.
Yes, Biden won by a landslide overall. But as the quoted paragraph above points out, it was strategically very close to a Trump victory.
Well 2016 wasnt close either, so saying it was closer than 2016 isn’t saying much. The paragraph basically says “if he had won the key parts of the election he would have won”. Well…ya…
He was dominated in the key parts of the election just like Hilary was. I agree with you he is absolutely a threat in the upcoming election, but he did not almost win 2020.
Stop spreading disinformation.
what election cycle did dems face hard losses since?
I wasn’t talking about that; I was talking about this blatant fucking lie:
We aren’t heading to fascism because of him
you think we are going to fascism because of trump?
Just like every time before them, the polls accurately predicted the popular vote which is all they ever claimed to do. Read a book. And don’t get complacent.
Tbf, I saw plenty polls that said Hillary was PROBABLY going to win. But any time something is PROBABLY going to happen there’s a chance it might not.
70-80% chance might seem like a sure thing. But these are the same people who complain when 20% chance of rain turns into… rain. “But the weatherman said it wouldn’t rain.”
To drive home the point: play more xcom.
Was about to say the same thing.
Except XCOM actually cheats in your favor with its RNG.
Which means he’s more popular than Hitler was right before he took over.
He’s definitely going to win, fascism is way too popular. Biden’s not great, but Trump’s a fucking disaster
I wouldn’t throw in the towel just yet. When was the last time a sitting democratic president lost the second term, with a strong economy? Plus the entire 18+ demographic waking up thanks to the attack on reproductive rights, on trans, gay, basically anything other than white males.
With the number of criminal charges trump is facing I would be surprised if he gets anywhere near this next election. All it takes is one or two states declaring him unfit under treason and sedition and he has zero chance of winning even with the electoral college being borked.
Plus keep in mind that trump is good for these news organizations. They are going to keep giving him the spotlight and he can keep rilling up the 75% of us that know what his masters want from him.
Remember that it’s a very small, very loud minority supporting trump. We also don’t have the same troll farms manipulating people on fb and elsewhere like we did last time around. We will also be more likely to be more vigilant (hopefully) protecting people at the voting booth from people scaring off anyone who may vote for sanity.
If he’s found guilty in Georgia, even if he doesn’t do time, I think it’s very unlikely he will be on the Georgia ballot, which will cost him 16 electoral votes he would have otherwise been almost guaranteed to win.
And then all we need is other states like Michigan, California, etc to not let him on and they will have to run someone else who isn’t a treasonous traitor who sold/gave away secrets to Russia, NK, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.
There was a day not long ago when the entire republican party would be calling for trumps head and want him strung up in the middle of town. Now there are no crimes they won’t ignore if it means getting the dems and making as many people suffer as possible.
Their only position now is “whatever Democrats want, we want the opposite.”
Exactly. During Obama they reverted to being obstinate toddlers. Ideas that were originally their idea were all of a sudden the worst thing ever because Obama said it.
Feels by design at this point
It’s always been by design.
think it’s very unlikely he will be on the Georgia ballot
Honest question from a foreigner: is it possible for the electoral college select a write-in candidate?
If so, Trump not being on the ballot may not be enough to keep him out of power.
People don’t think the economy is strong right now. Wages still haven’t caught up to the last few years of inflation.
A year is a long time. Look at the labor market right now. Companies are crying for workers and desperately trying not to raise wages. Big companies are laying people off because they are getting squeezed to show continued unsustainable growth but that is self-sabotage in the long run - investments will flow to new competitors who have room to actually grow. But the UAW prevailing and the writer’s guild prevailing are bellwethers for the future. The workers are collectively demanding more even if most of us aren’t organized into unions.
The economy isn’t as weak as people think and improving, so the environment is ripe for wages to rise and people to catch up with the reality. That’s all my interpretation anyway. I’m quite positive about the next year. We’ll see, but I think it’s way too early for any doom and gloom.
Trump is certainly a huge threat, but Biden beat him once and it’s likely barring an economic downturn that he will lose again. Never in the history of the United States that I can find has a presidential candidate ever lost an election and then come back to defeat the same opponent they lost to the first time. That’s a comfort when I’m feeling stressed about it.
Feels don’t beat actual numbers. The economy is bouncing back strong from the pandemic. As another comment said, everyone is hiring. They haven’t all (yet) broken and increased wages enough to bring in enough talent but it’s slowly getting there. It’s been a few years now since wmt, tgt and others increased starting to like $15/hour. That’s not enough to retire on but it’s a start.
We also have the waves of unions going on strike. This will definitely have a negative impact on the economy (short lived) but then the higher wages these strikes make happen will be part of the next economic boom over the next decade or so. At least that’s what I see happening and hope I’m right about.
There is a place for nuanced discussions but letting feelings guide you is not the way forward and neither is letting perfect be the enemy of good.
That’s not a uniquely American situation at the moment.
All valid points, but don’t forget the Republican party has been working for over a decade through gerrymandering to ensure they won’t lose an election. They are close to their goal. If ranked choice were national and popular vote had any weight then gerrymandering would be less effective. Until then it’s close to a gamed election system.
If this was 100% foolproof trump wouldn’t have lost the second term.
Remember that for decades Republicans only win via the electoral college not the popular vote. We have the perfect recipe for a sweep of the federal and state governments so long as we can get the younger generations out to vote.
I saw something the other day about a republican strategist saying that it’s likely they will lose the house or senate iirc. Trump and company will be the downfall of the republican party. Assuming Biden wins again hopefully we will go after the bullshit hard and put the final nail in that parties coffin. Biden can’t order or even suggest anything now because it would not be good optics.
Yeah the last Republican to win both terms by popular vote was Ronald Reagan. The last Republican president to never win without winning the popular vote was George H.W. Bush, and he was so long ago that he campaigned on ending global warming as a Republican.
Heck yes!
I live in a deep red rural area and the MAGA flags and others are out of vogue(granted they were Cheap AF & ruined quickly). I’m not seeing the energy. Even the perennial die-hard “but democrat x bad” have lost their desire to trumpet even a pro-republican slogan. They will vote and most won’t change their mind but they are seriously deflated with nothing to rally around with Trump’s “retribution only” campaign.
I agree many of the news organizations have changed leadership & most of them are clamoring to get back the audience they had from previously or seeking to “shift tone”.
On Saturday I drove from Atlanta to Highlands NC for a funeral. Had to drive thru Deliverance Country - exactly where it was filmed - to get there. I passed a Southern Heritage Museum and Gift Shop with a giant Stars & Bars billboard, and numerous TRUMP 2024 SAVE AMERICA! giant banners.
Thankfully I don’t have stickers on my car identifying me as a “librul,” and my license tag says Cobb Co which is still a pretty red part of metro ATL but people in those rural areas probably think anyone from “the city” is a “librul”.
The Trump garbage is still everywhere, at least here, and it’s not going away. I am happy to hear you’re seeing less of it.
You live in a purple state that MAGA thinks was stolen, so it makes sense that keeps them motivated. I’m talking from a deep red state experience here. They are not gone or banished for sure but have become on par to Southern Heritage territory so checks out.
He is not definitely going to win. What a shit take. Vote. Tell other people to vote.
Defeatism is even worse than neutrality.
Well, let’s hope Americans prove me wrong. Won’t hold my breath.
Fair play. I don’t blame anyone for being spooked. Americans as a group can be very scary.
We know.
Of course he is taking pages out of the Nazi playbook. It simply shows what he is. If he suddenly started to quote Ghandi, I’d get suspicious…
Not if he quoted Nuclear Ghandi
Among the many things Biden and his highly paid DNC consultants don’t understand - trump’s naziism is not a bug, it’s a feature. Just like in 2016, they’re giving the orange man free advertising here.
Not that he needs it. With Biden refusing to allow primary elections to selfishly try for a second term, trump is going to win by a landslide due to genocide Joe’s feckless charisma and obvious love for his “republican colleagues”.
This is not news, this is !politics .
Are you saying politics can’t be news? My front page of news is mostly not political
Politics can be news but only if it is newsworthy.
Things Trump says is 100% not newsworthy. It only feeds into what he wants which is attention.
The time for ignoring Trump has passed, he needs attention just not the type he wants. He needs more people standing up to his speeches to say that his fascist words are not just unacceptable but a mockery of any government that should be considered a democracy.
People stood up to Trump for the last 7 years. All it does is provide free media coverage which is what he wants.
His supporters don’t get their information thru public media, they get it from propaganda outlets, like Fox. They give absolutely two shits what Public condemnations there are, to them the more the better.
Everyone is falling for the con all over again.
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So like, “Biden should seize the powers of the presidency to take a more authoritarian stance against authoritarianism.” Is this really what you mean?
finger wagging is for the powerless citizenry not the president
Contrary to your premise, Biden has consistently promoted an anti-authoritarian view of how our representative democracy should work. He thinks people should vote against authoritarianism, instead of them calling on a POTUS who was elected to office because of his anti-authoritarian views to start taking authoritarian action against his authoritarian opponents.
The citizenry is not powerless. The citizenry has the most fundamental power of all: power over who is elected to office.
Just because that power can be corrupted and diminished through gerrymandering, electoral college imbalances, and two-party FPTP distortions (and a million other for-better-or-worse Constitutional safeguards against mob-rule) does not change the fact the citizenry still holds the most basic and fundamental power of all.
Tweets and finger-wagging are fine too, if you like, but if you are against fascism, I’m glad too. I hope you vote, and I hope you vote strategically instead of out of anger.
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What exactly can he legally do to keep trump out?
It’s not really a strawman if you refuse to explain your argument. That would be called “a guess”.
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The first response in this chain seemed genuinely interested in engaging with you, and the part you shot down for being a “strawman” (the very first paragraph) seemed more like an honest question than an attack on you. Despite numerous attempts, nobody was able to figure out what your first comment meant, and I cannot comprehend why anyone would be happy with such an outcome.
Since you responded to me knowing full well i like giving out homework
Hah, pass. I’m just as happy to ignore the rest of your comment as you are.
What a shit take. The DOJ is doing its thing. What exactly would you have Biden do that wouldn’t be rightly criticized as abusing his power to interfere with the next election?
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I notice you didn’t answer my question, and tried to give me a homework assignment instead. Very trollish.
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Whoaaa, easy there tough guy
Presidents are elected by the people. For a president to remove their opponent by something other than fierce tweets and finger wagging would be fascism.