The Biden campaign fiercely denounced Donald Trump following his caustic remarks aimed at immigrants Saturday, saying the former president “parroted Hitler.”

“Tonight Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong Un, and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy,” Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.

Trump on Saturday ratcheted up his already inflammatory rhetoric on immigrants at a rally in New Hampshire. “They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” the former president said. “They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world they’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia.”

  • There’s a difference. It wasn’t a Tucker question, in my opinion. They were asking for a time reference, because, while bad either way, knowing chronological context makes a huge difference in understanding the whole.

    Knowing and understanding are equally important

        101 year ago

        Uh… Yes?

        Do you really believe you can defeat and enemy you do not understand?

        What kinda new age nativity is this???

          1 year ago

          There’s a time and place to discuss what the NAZIs truly believe, a clan meeting maybe? Instigating them in the public square only gives them a platform to be awful and seed their insidious rhetoric.

            21 year ago

            Bullshit. Walling off parts of history and the beliefs that informed them as some kind of forbidden knowledge is never going to end well. Bad ideas die in the light of clear-sighted intellectual scrutiny, not in the darkness of an imposed blackout.

            It’s OK to admit that you are mistaken. There’s no shame in it and in fact, to the contrary, it will redound to your credit.

              1 year ago

              Nope. I didn’t wall off anything. I simply am not going to engage bad actors and you would be better off if you didn’t either.

              Anyone is free to look up the information themselves. Lemmy is not a fact checker; primary source; moderated debate forum; etc.

              If you keep on platforming NAZIs, just kick yourself in the ass everytime you wonder why we can’t get rid of them.

              • You are thinking way too far into this… it wasn’t even a gotcha question. Like if he was asking something like “Do we have any proof that X happened?” I’d be on your side… but a question about understanding the mindset of a fascist authoritarian is extremely useful information. Especially right now.

                And yeah, Lemmy is none of those things, but it shouldn’t have to be. It’s literally a place for discussion.

                You might know something is bad, but the more you can articulate why, the better chance you have to change someone’s mind. Shutting down discussions about bad things just makes you come off as a frightened, tribalistic child.

                Talking about Nazism does not equal platforming Nazis.

                  1 year ago

                  In this case I responded because the person was getting downvoted and they edited their comment to ask why. They wanted to know, I told them. They sound like a Nazi to me.

          1 year ago

          Your favorite Nazi: “and I was just living day-to-day calling for the death of minorities. Then one day on lemmy someone thought to ask, ‘which variety of racism do you suscribe?’ That right there changed everything for me. Someone really wanted to understand why I have murderous rage. I still have that murdous rage but I got to talk about it too! So remember everyone, my ideas deserve your consideration.”