Having an apartment, and a job at the same time.
I’m 40. I’ve almost achieved it.
Hell yeah! You got this
Put in the apartment application tonight. My credit’s better than it’s ever been, I have more cash on hand than I’ve ever had before, I even have money to pay movers this time. I don’t want to jinx it so I’m gonna expect obstacles still, but it’s looking good.
AND I got approved. Holy shit I’m so excited.
You have no idea how dead one’s dating life becomes when they are 40 and have no place of their own. But mostly I’m looking forward to whatever untold levels of mental health await me when I get alone time every day, and don’t have to worry about the rent.
I’ve had apartments before … and I was always late on the rent.
I had a really high-paying job once … but I was moving from couch to couch because it was so high stress I couldn’t navigate finding a place, and I lived paycheck to paycheck, and that went on a year and a half and then they fired me. I might have been able to make it if I’d had an apartment, could truly rest each night.
Now, it’s all coming together:
The apartment
The job
AT THE SAME TIMEHoly shit I have never been stable in my entire life.
For my mother money was chaos. She worked for herself. It was boom and bust. We’d splurge. We’d scrape. We’d go without when money didn’t come in. She saved nothing. Ever. My grandfather died and the family decided to sell his land to a suburb developer. She got $35k. The money was gone in a flash, as was my grandfather’s beautiful land.
My model of success in life was “be brilliant, get discovered, rocket to the stars”. I saw the world as chutes and ladders: lucky breaks catapulting me into new social strata. I went to a fancy college, took out loans.
After I got out I quit my first full time job. Too boring. Moved into a techie frat house. Started writing code. Worked freelance because I wanted to be free.
My friends and peers got jobs. Took vacations. Had their evenings free. I was a businessman! with no boss! I was free!. But I was always broke. Occasionally I’d get a big contract.
But I didn’t follow through. I cut corners. I smoked weed like a chimney, and procrastinated my work. I worked super short days. I’d go to a coffee shop, open the computer, code for an hour, decide “eh I’ll get cracking tomorrow” and then I’d leave.
I constantly drank coffee, thinking it would motivate me. I had no idea that anxiety was a bigger problem than any “lack of motivation” I had. So I’d sit there and drink coffee and eat simple carbs and get into a miserable state.
But I was that glitzy, glamorous figure: the dude with the computer making bank in hourly. I kept cranking my rates up.
My zen teacher said to me, repeatedly, “I think a good move for you would be to just get a full time job”. I ignored his advice.
Then in 2017 I got my hands on some acid, and microdosed for a while. I suddenly realized: all my financial problems come from the irregularity of my income. The acid blew my mind with a new realization: I’m getting old and this working-for-myself shit isn’t working. (Thanks LSD!)
Anyway, it’s been a long hard road and I now make almost nothing compared to when I made senior software dev money, yet my finances are healthier.
I could go on and on. Thank you for your encouragement!
A good quality version of the “VR.5” tv series from 1995. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VR.5
It’s a TV show about virtual reality and has peak 90’s aesthetic. They shot the scenes in "virtual reality"on black and white film and colorized them manually afterwards to create a very distinct and vibrant look. That must’ve been so much hard work.
Sadly, there is only a 240p VHS rip with extremely terrible quality out there. I’ve always wanted to watch the whole thing, but it’s too degraded to enjoy like this.
Your potato version is on Archive. There is one result in the Bay here but size indicates it’s likely the same and it says VHSRip. I watched a couple minutes… holy TV stars of today lol
I do see it on a private tracker but it may be the VHS rip you referred too. I pasted the S01 rip info here in case it might be a quality your looking for: https://pastebin.com/m2cuwEK4
The one I saw was about 1.25GB. Eps average around 100MB. Thanks for the effort!
Definitely different then. These eps are right around 3GB and total for the season is about 37GB.
You might have a good one! The show certainly has a campy Canadian feel. Hopefully it helps our poster!
A cracked version of Hatch. It’s embroidery software that my GF has wanted to use for her hobby / tiny side hustle but a license costs literally hundreds of dollars.
Plenty of options for embrilliance which seems to be a major competitor, maybe have her give that a try?
Never heard of that tbh. I’ll look into it. Thanks
Interesting! I’d probably recommend VM route another posted suggested but if they are diligent with authentication and updates that may be difficult. Old school serial cracking a demo version may be viable here.
I’m not too proficient with cracking it myself but the software phones home and installs driver level stuff before it runs. It’s wild.
Why not just VM?
Yeah that’s my current go to solution for her, but it needs a full reset and new account every 30 days for the trial. That thing has some serious DRM
Big tech has reached embroidery lol
Hi-Res scans of paintings and photographs. Like starry night from van gogh:
Would love a library of photos from Feininger or Salgado, paintings etc.
I would love a private tracker for art digitalizations.
Many museums are now offering hi res versions of many of their collections. Hopefully the collections or pieces you’re after are in the works
https://www.moma.org/s/ge/collection_ge/artist/artist_id-1832.html -Feininger
This is a neat idea I hadn’t thought of.
I recently had the pleasure to slay it actually. It was the kinda like Twilight Zone but Horror ‘Night Gallery’ from 1996. It did exist, but the torrent that was circulating was messed up beyond belief. Episodes cut off at 20 minutes etc. Some dude on a private tracker ripped the whole thing anew for me.
Thanks for sharing! Glad someone could connect and help you find it
Kind of shameful but there is this one porn movie I used to have on a CDR that got lost between apartments. It’s stupid cause it’s #17 of a 20+ series and you can find #16 and #18 in like 2 minutes, but this one has disappeared from the face of the internet. The studio stopped listing it some time ago then they were bought out and the new owners never listed that one. Believe it or not I literally sent an email to the male star of the movie, but he never responded. There goes my holy grail. It must have gone out of stock and maybe the masters got lost or something. I know one rip was made at some point cause I found a filename in a listing, but it is long lost. Farewell lost porn 🙋♂️ farewell…
No shame dude! Maybe write the production company if they’re still around. Feel free to share the name or an embedded link to an info page. Never know if someone can help.
Actually i found a phone number to the new studio so i might just give them a ring and ask about !
It’s a French series called “Sacrées Coquines”, volume 17 :D i doubt anybody’s heard of it
I actually went and bought my white whale and ripped it myself eventually. It’s a silly movie called DEBS but every version I could find had an error in the final scene. So I ripped it from DVD, if only now I could figure out how to self host it.
On a related note, the first white whale I ever had is how I got into piracy, it was a kids show called ik mik loreland that we got to see in school as to learn spelling. They never showed us the entire series, and I had been obsessed with it for years untill on the news they talked about birate-pay. Eventually found a tracker on tickass-korrents. It took me 6 months to complete from what I assume was one seeder who didn’t use a PC ever. Recently register it myself and am proud to say it now has 4 dedicated seeders.
Wow haven’t heard that name in a while. Chock full of 2000s B-actresses. Glad you could find it! Campy movies are sooo good.
And what a story of the other series. Congrats and great to pay it forward.
Edit: After a really long time I finally stopped being lazy and figured out how to upload the book to ABB myself.
I actually managed to find mine a while ago.
I pirate a lot of hard sci-fi/cyberpunk audiobooks using stuff like Mobilism or AudiobookBay and using Sirin Audiobook Player to listen to them, one of the first series I added to my library was the Takeshi Kovacs trilogy by Richard K. Morgan.
See everything was fine with the first two books (Altered Carbon and Broken Angels) which were readily avaliable on both those sites, but it was the final book Woken Furies that I was really after, reason being there were two versions: One was everywhere I looked and is narrated by William Dufris and the other that I was actually looking for is by Todd McLaren.
Basically people really hated how the first version by William sounded (there was an unnecessary reverb effect in some parts and he pronounces the main character’s name wrong throughout the whole book) to a point they started a petition to get Todd McLaren (who did the first two books) to redo the final one. McLaren actually says the guy’s name right in all the books and generally is a better narrator, also the weird reverb effects were gone.
It took months of searching but I eventually found it through Mobilism (second result in the image), using a burner e mail I got a free trail of their premium service to directly download the file. Now I can rest easy knowing I have all three books read by the same person.
Skimmed through and at first glance I thought it was called “woke furries”
I’ve heard that a lot lmao
Awesome story and thanks for sharing! For sure a link it a DM I can host also if it’s helpful
Please redistribute them in case someone like you wants them!
I have it backed up in a Google drive so I can send the link or dm it to people if sending direct links isn’t allowed
Edit: I’m unsure how to upload to AudiobookBay but I know people there would really appreciate it
Sadly I don’t know either.
One game I do not even know the title of. My brother used to play it when I was 6 years old. I remember the game being monochrome, not sure about the crt itself. But it was a kind of XCOM if I’d have to describe it, about some crew that lands on an underwater planet. It’s still my white whale coz I still have not found even the name . I tried chatgpting suggestions recently to no avail.
Are you sure it’s not XCOM terror of the deep?
Our monitor at the time must have been monochrome then, damn!! The ship with the units inside def makes me think this is the one. Playing it soon!! Thanks so much!
Very welcome! You saying it was XCOMesque that i was like “it’s gotta be that!” Glad to be of some help!
Nice work!
Thank you!
Was hoping we could help some people! Maybe I’ll do a monthly since the community is still small here on Lemmy
Beautiful idea! I’d be down!
Please @cuchilloc, let us know if this is it!
I think it is !
I love a happy ending 🥲
This of a perfect Tip of My… type of question. Maybe we start an instance here! Pride of XCOM 2 I’m not too familiar with other franchises. What year?
Looks like we’ve cracked it. Terrors of the deep ftw!
Shakira’s first 2 albums in lossless quality without any vinyl noise. I met a guy who shared a sample and I was amazed. Huge shame he’s offline…
Have you looked on SoulSeek?
Yep. Couldn’t find any that didn’t have vinyl noise. 😕
1337 showed a few albums in FLAC
I’ll have to check it out, but knowing my luck, they won’t be clean…
The Bay has a full FLAC discography
A BBC art history documentary series called “Private Life of a Masterpiece”. I have about half in a mixed bag.
Also the 5th season (I think) of an old Food Network show called “The Thirsty Traveler”.
The Life of a Masterpiece has a result in PBay and on 1337x. Didn’t test if the seeders are still good.
Food network is always huge hit or miss on public trackers.
Thirsty Traveller was such a good show, thanks for the reminder friend!
It’s not a white whale, it’s a Holy Grail. The white whale is something that occupies your every waking moment and you wish to eliminate so you can get on with your life.
A proper colour pdf of D&D 5E.
Of what part specifically? I have a color pdf’s of the PHB, Volo’s, Tasha’s, Sword coast, Zanathar’s. I thought i had the dmg but I can’t find it at the moment.
Popped up immediately searching for Color pdf D&D 5e…! Hopefully this helps
Great work. Another W! Enjoy the weekend
My hero! Thank you!
Digimon World 2003. I never owned a PlayStation (was a Nintendo-only fanboy for years until I bought a PS2 in the mid-00s a year before the Xbox 360 was announced) and tried to run an emulator of it for over a decade before it was fully supported. I also had trouble because I found out the only English version that didn’t have that stupid “once you start fighting the final boss, you can’t explore the game world anymore” thing they used to do in JRPGs was the European version. Now I can actually play it, even using gameshark codes, easily… if I could only find the time to play it!
That’s so awesome you could still find it. Priorities!
Closed Door Village, Chinese film from 2014. I have it with hardcoded mandarin subs, but it’s never been translated as far as I can tell.
I found a result under PBay. It’s under closed doors village, so a slight variation. But that does have a seeder. Not verified, however. Hope this works for you
I’ve never been able to get that one to seed for me, sadly. It’s not subtitled as far as I can tell so It doesn’t matter much. I put out a request for subs on avistaz but the mods deleted everything without explanation.
Found one on PBay under closed doors village. May work for you!