US House speaker to make good on promise to far-right Republicans including Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump
Because he wants them to succeed in the next a coup attempt.
he’s aiding and abetting insurrectionists.
Trump is running a draconian platform; Muskee is running an antisemitic website.
If we all don’t wake up, Trump-ler and Elon Muskells will bring about the Forth
ReichWrongEdit: in this comment Hitler is a low level Donald Trump and Joseph Goebbels is a poor Elon Musk. In reality all 4 are Nazi shit-heel, boot-lickers
Just a friendly heads up, you need 2 ~s on each side for strike through.
like so.Dude, I’m sitting here like what is Decoy321 talking about?! I see a strike through (I’m on the Voyager app). For me it was stricken through. Before I replied I checked the desktop version and then I saw my weird shrunken reich (this time on purpose). Thanks for the heads up cause I would literally have never known
Because Jesus is butthurt over queers, according to this lunatic.
He is an insurrectionist
Yup. He also just provided aid to “enemies of the united stares” in the form of a sweet sweet intelligence coup
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“in the next a coup attempt”
It’s-a next-a coup-a attempt-a
why do they want more footage of their lawbreaking out there? im confused
training. they want it for training.
Included in the video is the response by the capital police and lawmakers trying to get out of there. the Captial building is built like a warren maze, in large part as additional security. one of the reasons that we didn’t have any lawmakers (or pence,) get seriously hurt was because most of the insurrectionists couldn’t find their way.
With this video, they can study it and practice.
And with enough editing you can tell any story you want. Ask every reality tv show in existence.
What is a Warren maze?
A warren typically refers to the series of interconnected holes that rabbits dig and live in. Part of the defense they provide is the difficulty that predators like foxes have when navigating them.
In this instance warren maze just refers to a deliberately difficult to navigate floorplan.
a rat maze that they don’t get to leave.
I really can’t see much coming from this. Security relies on capital police, national guard, water cannons, rubber bullets, etc. You either have those or you don’t.
*Actually more relies on FBI infiltration, informants, information tapping, etc. This is all wayyy before anything happens at the Capitol grounds.
then you’re not paying attention.
The security tapes reveal how [all the people you mentioned] responded to the first attempt. It’ll also show the evacuation routes, which are extremely difficult to change, where the safe rooms are, which is also incredibly difficult to change, where all the cameras are, the weak points.
from the insurrectionist point of view, it’s intelligence material to use for training. From the point of view as someone whose spent a lifetime in contract security, releasing it is a fucked up thing to do. It’s basic common sense that you don’t release broad swaths of your security recordings to the general public. We all watched it happen live on the news. There’s absolutely no reason to release the vast majority of these recordings.
They intentionally weren’t in place the first time thanks to Trump. They will be from Biden. If Trump wins again, he won’t rely on this Hail Mary method again. He’ll seize power a different way.
*I’m not saying it’s good to release them, I just can’t see all that much coming from it.
Eh. there will be changes, sure. nat guard will be in place. they’ll probably have insurmountable fencing instead of the stupid event-crowd-control stuff; they’ll probably have more bodies actually on duty, etc.
most of the reasons you don’t want to release the tapes remain the same- especially evacuation routes and shelters. Would a second attempt be successful? probably not. but that’s why they want it- and why we shouldn’t give it to them.
I do think you give Trump too much credit. he doesn’t care how many people he gets killed as long as he gets power. and he’s not exactly… intelligent.
I agree you don’t want to compromise any security info, but this is the last, last, last, last line of defence. If it gets to that point you had several colossal fuck ups that all aligned. What happened on Jan 6 was an ad hoc defence from the scattered mess that happened to be around (and which did not actively open the doors to “protestors”).
I edited my first comment, you have FBI operations, wire tapping, infiltrations, etc. Security starts way before it gets to the Capitol grounds.
As for Trump, he’ll start the hunt way before Jan 6.
Your logic is like a like that of a Bond villain. Sure I revealed the evil plan to the one guy who can stop me, but he was totally tied to a laser beam table about to be sawed in half. But what ends up happening every time? The guy gets out of the laser beam table and stops the villain’s plans, none of which would’ve been known if they would’ve just shut up.
There are undoubtedly thousands of hours of footage of no laws being broken they can use to muddy the water.
This is 100% it, there’s already so much “bad” footage out there that no one is going to change their mind about jan 6 if more comes to light. But they’re hoping to find a few clips that make it look good that they can play on a loop on fox News
Because morons already forgot it was released to Fox and didn’t have anything unknown so why not do it again lmao
Right? This… seems like a good thing… I think?
Maybe the far-right Republicans, thinking that a mob of angry Trumpers can do no wrong, believe the footage will exonerate them and are wanting the footage released for that reason? (And if that’s correct, they’ll find out otherwise soon enough.)
Read more replies.
Especially since Tucker’s exclusive access resulted in fuck-all
Anything that isn’t just footage of people walking around the mall eating ice cream will not be released.
It’s enough footage to muddy the waters. Too much to individually review, but a perfect amount to point at and say nothing happened during most of it.
The given answers, and so they can act like there wasn’t that much of what happened.
No one can watch all that, so they’ll claim that violence is cherry picked and it’s the mostly peaceful protest they’ve been claiming the whole time.
It’s still a lie but it’s one they’re giving “evidence” to their supporters for.
The footage is already out there. These seems like an information dump under the guise of transparency. It’s like when a corporation gets sued and has to release records so they send 20 million pages of documents to the plaintiff, far too much to actually wade through.
except if it’s released to the public, there’s literally millions of people to comb through the footage
Yeah there’s plenty amateur detectives out there with time on their hands who will absolutely find shit that the GOP doesn’t want found. This seems all kinds of reckless.
Kevin McCarthy gave 41k hours to Tucker Carlson, I assume the same stuff. So it’s not that anything politically or legally interesting will come out of it, it’s just going to be like the Hillary emails where conspiracy theorists trawl through and invent things, “Pizza” must be a child sex ring, I don’t see what else it could possibly mean. Stuff like that.
I’m sure his son has vetted it first!
That’s how he hides his porn, in 44000 hours of Jan 6th footage.
Oh, he’s not hiding it, that sweaty, throbbing throng of insurrection is what he’s into. This is his Fappening.
So you’re saying there’s a difference between the two?
Not to the MAGA crowd.
my son’s phone about to blow up
I don’t understand. These videos are short. There’s not 44000 hours of video here.
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Oh no, we have people who think like you here? :(
“Think” is an awfully generous word…
…so you want them to release bullshit that doesn’t exist?
They sure do make it easy to know who to ignore.
Look, another dumbass who’s never paid attention to elections before.
Yum word salad!
I just did, I released all of the existing footage. Here’s the link:
I sincerely hope you’re trolling because otherwise you really need to get some help.
That doesn’t exist. So, no.
I’d rather see something that exists, like the piss tapes.
AI is not that good yet so they cant make that video. Maybe this is the real reason why Sam Altman got sacked.
God I remember some of the shit being pushed online after the election like a video showing voting officials stuffing ballot boxes that turned out to be from Russian elections.