Behold! The blogging aesthetics of 2006:
hi every1 im new!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!! <— me bein random again _ hehe…toodles!!!
love and waffles,
t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
I recently came across a blogpost explaining something I was researching, and the comments beneath were exactly like this. Then I looked up from when it was: May 2006.
The internet is a time machine.
Is it bad that I can still read these shitposts in the correct tone?
I read them in Boxxy’s voice, it’s automatic
You truely were random as dice. ;)
The sacred texts, they’re so bright I almost need to avert my eyes.
‘the sacred texts’
ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL ___^___ _ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \___ ___ ___] I I ----------/
Oh god, I forgot about the spork thing. The sporks seemed a natural part of the foundation. Where did the sporks go? This would have been perfectly at home on the very first forum my child ass ever joined, and I can feel everything I ever loved evaporating.
holds up spork
Oh fuck! This caused my brain to reboot after a cascading failure of memories tripping fuses right the way back to 2001.
Did your brain then play the windows XP boot up sound?
Holy shit what a throwback to the past
This made my eyes water
I used to work with a lot of people who were younger than me, and I knew a few Katy’s in my time (in some cases, literally, though not all younger but still - Catherine Kathrine Kathy Cathy Kate and like 3 Katie’s were all people I knew in the space of about 3 years lmfao). 😂
E: to clarify - absolutely nothing against them! I was a closeted goth (already being bullied for but not knowing I was autistic started early and was bad enough) and I wish I could have embraced the weirdness like that.Honestly, I kind of understand why the older generation was afraid of using the internet, they saw this lingo while trying to fix a leaky pipe on a Yahoo Answers thread and said “not my worldwideweb!”
I didn’t talk this incredibly stupid and “unique” on chats during AOL and MSN days but by the time I got to highschool I realized I needed to stop with all the emojis and emphasis in text form because nobody knows how nor cares to decypher what you’re saying anyway.
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That was peak aesthetics.
You too stray far from the light.But we like the dark.
Darkness, for dark deeds.
Gen X: Haha, those millenials sure looked stupid as kids!
Also Gen X:
Boomers: Haha, Gen X sure looked stupid as kids!
Also Boomers:
Given a better quality photo, the women on the left and right really wouldn’t be out of place nowadays.
Give them a break, they had no other accepted way to explore their sexuality
/s but also not /s
Yeah that’s just facts. This Bowie type shit is ANYTHING BUT straight, that’s what makes it iconic.
The straights have always copied/been inspired by queer fashion, just like white america with black american music genres (jazz, rock, blues, r&b, rap).Absolutely, there’s a long history of the “in-group” co-opting culture from the “out-group” because it’s seen as exotic and transgressive. Was it hypocritical for such a homophobic generation to idolize queer icons, only so long as they were cool and made good music? On a cultural level, yeah. On an individual level, depends on the individual and their specific beliefs and actions
Edit: Also my favorite Bowie album will always be Ziggy Stardust. Maybe a little basic but it just hits all the right campy, flamboyant, and always-incredible notes
Aw man, I clicked that thinking it was going to be Grunge or even this sort of thing.
I always forget that gen x also includes people way older than me.
Seriously that’s some 80s shit my sister was into but she’s 9 years older than me, meanwhile it was more Biggie and Wu-Tang for me when they dropped around 93-94 when I was a teen. It was all baggy clothes.
Starter jackets, timbs, raiders… Fubu… Billabong… Wallet chains. The longer the wallet chain the more dominace you had over peers.
It all started with a Starter Coat…
And these are the ones scared of gender/LGBTQ politics… We know why now…
Is… is that the rep we have? I sort of thought that was boomers and just, well, bigots from every generation. Gen X was also sex positive feminism 3rd wave and the beginning of intersectionalism.
Guess it depends on where you live. I find a lot of people around me that are 45 and up and don’t live in a more wealthy area are basically that way.
I saw a lot flip sides since 2020… From being open minded to closed. From repping Obama to repping trump and the coup.
It’s really weird to be honest.
Yikes that sounds rough!
We have had problems over here where we lose people down an antivax q-anon abbit hole, but it seems to affect all ages. I think maybe it has something to do with underlying mental health vulnerabilities.
Emo/Skater outfit makes everyone over 9000% more attractive.
Helps that the style “hides” a lot, hard to tell what she really looks like under the makeup, loose clothing and accessories.
The Millenials laughing at Gen Z are the same Millenials who mocked emo/scene kids back then.
Was a goth, mocked emos and scene kids. Learned my lesson, rock on you little weirdos, enjoy your time of experimentation
Goths mocking emos always made me laugh. Which is itself a third layer of comedy because I was supposedly an old school punk but really just another kid with a funny 'do (green mohawk…which I still hold as the most righteous hairstyle known to man, however)
I mocked all of you. Jokes on me you all turned out pretty cool and to have good taste in music. I was just uncomfortable experimenting and possibly coming off ridiculous. Somehow I managed to be cringe because of my efforts not to.
We’re all still emo/scene kids at heart, it was never a phase mom
I still cry listening to Bright Eyes.
I don’t care what anyone says though. No one can write like Conor Oberst.
Preach. If I could be any age forever it would probably be one of the ones from my days as a scene kid.
This was like, 5% of millennials. Trust me, I was one of them. We got our asses kicked for dressing this way. Most everyone else either did “gangsta” style with low-hanging pants and Timberland boots/Jordans, or “preppy” style with a boring-ass polo shirt and khakis.
Psh, I saw this and immediately thought " I would have wanted to date that girl back in the day". Now I think… “If I met a girl who was my age rocking that style… I would want to talk to them for sure”
-born in 89’
Yeah the emo look definitely worked for me… We didn’t have a lot of them in my country though, the alt style was more punk/dirty techno, or metalheads but the girls didn’t look like that. Shame…
Emocore stuff was also later on and seen generally as a pop-poser spinoff of punk and metal culture. It got uniquely hated on by both mainstream and alternative cliques because of this.
I personally went through a pretty extended punk phase and never really got picked on. I actually made plenty of friends with jocks and stoners in high school, while wearing a pretty cringe getup with operation Ivy patches and shit.
I gravitated toward nu-metal/industrial with wide leg JNCO pants and ball-chain necklaces.
I haven’t even heard of “emo” being an actual style until now. I thought it was just goth. Maybe because it’s a couple years after my time. I’m an older millennial, graduated high school in 2000.
I was also nu metal and dressed the same, BAGGY jeans, wallet chains and skater trainers. We were “Moshers” where I was from.
Then there came a wave of boy bands with the Mosh aesthetic, like the music industry was trying to sell pop to Moshers. Good Charlotte was one of them.
This brought a whole new wave of kids into the fold, but they were drawn in by different music. These were the Emos and, like us Moshers, were generally frowned upon by those in for longer. The Metal Kids called us Moshers “Posers” or “Wanabees” and we treated Emos the same way.
Decades later my Mosh Wife I lovingly refer to as a Nemo for loving My Chemical Romance and say I’m “a bit Gothy” sometimes, it’s all just blended into the alternative subculture.
Most of my close friends are a bit older than me, part of the generation that called me a poser back in the day, and we still poke fun at each others taste in metal but we all headbang to all the tunes, it’s just Banter at this stage.
Emo is very specific sub genre of punk, but yeah, even the goths were very dressed down in 2000’s and emos and goths looked really similar
Yeah, I’d say Emo really got going after 2000, at least in my experience
Don’t forget about thrift store style! Which wasn’t a style back then. Advantage though, us thrift store kids could switch styles daily. ‘Gangsta’ Monday, ‘emo’ Wednesday, poser Friday.
Wouldn’t that just be poser every day?
Pretty much lol. Only instead of going to the store to try you just end up with what you get and make it work from there.
I don’t know where people grew up that actually had cliques like that. It was just t-shirts and shorts or jeans while I was in school. There was no real trend chasing or trying to look gangster. Southern California here.
I’ll paraphrase a twitter comment: man I did not give a single fuck about gen x as a millenial, these posts are so weird. Maybe we’re just more exposed to each other now because of social media
Demographically there were way more millenials than genx.
The cohorts that are demographic bulges (boomers, millennials) get a lot of media attention (because advertising) and it plays out.
Sometimes I think that since I still really love goth chicks I haven’t changed that much since the 00s
But then I remember that over that time frame goth chicks went from edgy rebellious teenagers in a ton of makeup to moms in their 30s with a wicked sense of humor that wear a lot of black. They still deal weed and hate authorities though.
Watching my once fully goth and punk friends raise kids is odd but also wonderful, knowing that they’re passing their zero tolerance for societies’ bullshit on to their kids (as best they can, considering what we’re up against) is heart warming.
Wouldn’t want to do it myself though lol
God, I miss that time. Closest you get to that aesthetics nowadays still is some forms of visual kei (stuff like lynch.), but it’s a different vibe.
Gonna be honest, I really like the aesthetic even to this day.
My wife and I have a standing agreement that we’ll get a divorce if either of have a shot with Hayley Williams
Rawr xD
Gotta express my uniqueness by dressing like everyone else
To be fair: The scene was much smaller back then and many emo kids were basically scorned and beaten for the emo and scene aesthetic.
Yup… It was the main reason I stopped wearing make up and dressing like that. The bullying became unbearable.
Would be fun to try it again now, though… But I’m 30 so it’ll probably look dumb lol
The tendency of society to bully people into conformity is honestly one of its worst traits.
why can humans be so incredibly shitty? 😞
Yeah the bullying was my main reason as well. I mean you could still rock that aesthetic to a show, but the most I feel comfortable to do nowadays is black nail polish, lol. I could get away with more on stage probably, but I won’t feel comfortable like that now to be honest. The anxiety and bad experiences cut too deep I guess.
I might go and try it out next week, still got my old clothes somewhere maybe…
Just dig it out and add bits of it to what you usually wear day to day. You don’t have to go full 2006.
I’m nearly 40 and rediscovering my inner goth. Honestly don’t care if it looks “dumb”, I’m having a lot of fun! Just go for it, do what makes you happy.
I’m right there with you. I had been saying to my Wife I was gonna start wearing black nail varnish again at 39 and she basically said don’t.
Started a new job, bloke with a pretty long beard and hair down my back, some older guy takes me under his wing and basically tells me to just be myself, the company loves it. I was showing up to work in a black turtleneck to look a bit more professional and nice than I am.
I had smashed my nails in at work trapping my fingers and had 2 black nails anyway so I just went for it.
Now I’m rocking up to work in a leather jacket and Army boots, Management love me and they’ve taken me off the Agency books and onto theirs.
Not all that Gothy but I’m definitely embracing my inner child more, and Fuck what anyone thinks. I’ve had a team leader tell me I can wear a dress to work if I like lol
Those complaining ones are boomer converts. I see more of them in retro game groups.
Yeah I don’t get it. Do they not see the irony?
Just let the next generation be the next generation.
Im an emo kid
Nonconforming as can be
You’d be nonconforming too if you looked just like me
Edit: revisiting these lyrics, this song is an important time capsule
Oh man, that brings back memories
Holy shit, I remember now.
I’ve got paint on my nails and makeup on my face
I’m almost emo enough to start shaving my legs
Have you heard about the emo pizza? It cuts itself!
Genz aesthetic I swear is just depression meets delirium, and honestly, I can’t blame them lol
Depression Meets Delirium is a fantastic psych rock band name
That’s pretty much what emo/scene was back in the mid 2000s. The more things change, the more things stay the same.