Ask for more money, deposit it yourself.
Or you could simply pay people more.
All these headlines are always like “employers trying yet more tricks to make employees happier while not paying them any more”
Job loss is one of the most common reasons for needing an emergency fund. Any kind of tie between emergency savings and employment is a terrible idea.
Right? My first response was HELL NO I don’t want my employer having anything to do with my emergency fund
Yeah I want to be able to earn enough money to have my own emergency fund. Every single problem is fixed by paying CEOs less and workers more.
Also, a health problem is one of the most common reasons for being pushed out of the workforce. Any kind of tie between health care and employment…
I’m sure this is going to go over really well when people actually try and use that money.
“I’m sorry, your claim is denied”
This feels like just another excuse to offer “benefits” that can’t be used rather than paying people.
We’re sorry, but nothing actually qualifies as an emergency. Claim denied!
“Oh. It appears you’ve not used your emergency funds this year, sadly they’ve expired and will be used to pay administrative fees.”
workers are asking
“employers are putting words into workers’ mouths”
And of course it’s NBC parroting that corporate propaganda
Unless this is pretax money, I only see downsides to this versus just opening a regular account at your bank yourself and using your direct deposit allocations.
I could see a case for, like, emergency fund matching. But straight up having your boss control your money? No way in hell are so many workers asking for that. I am highly suspicious of their numbers.
Well, it probably wouldn’t be under the company’s control. My company goes through Fidelity for the retirement account, for example. Even if I leave the company I still have access.