I’m about to try some custom wake words, I can think of these so far:
- Hey Assistant
- Hey GlaDOS
- Hey Skynet
- Hey Tardis
- R2-D2
- Computer
- Operator
I’ll use them for a while and see which one I like best.
What wake word are you using? Do you have some other cool ideas?
I don’t use any home assistant technology but I feel like yelling “Hail Satan!” into an empty room and getting a response would be fun
Yeah, but you should use something that you don’t use in every day life ;P
As a Satanist you have my vote!
This is exactly what I was looking for thanks. I’m not migrating to HA voice just yet, but when I do, you can be damn sure that “Hail Satan” will be the wake word.
“Satan, Play Emperor on the living room stereo”
When I had a Moto X way back when, I used “Would you kindly” as the wake word.
I miss that phone, and specifically the custom wake word functionality. Well, that and the wooden back.
I miss the Moto X. I’ve been known to nerdily use “prepare for voice command”.
thinkimg about this again - maybe something passive-aggressive would be nice.
‘someone should turn the lights on’ ‘maybe someone could start the vacuum cleaner’
How about “I say”…makes all your commands sound very posh.
Or very Foghorn Leghorn.
‘Eeeey!’ or ‘Alter’ - ‘Alter, mach mal licht an’
How about Hal
Might be too short, but Hey Hal should work. Great addition
I want to try ‘yo mother f****er’
When I lived with a guy who had loads of home automation, his wake word was “Hey Fuckhead!”
I’d go with “bitch, please”
I maintain a list for my as-yet-unimplemented setup. Mainly fictional butlers, housekeepers, secretaries, assistants, henchmen, computers, mascot characters, and robots:
Woodhouse, Jeeves, Igor, Igor, Meadows, Duckworth, Kato, Wadsworth, Lurch, Passepartout, Riff-Raff, Giovanni, Jarvis, Alfred, Hayate, Daphne, Effie, Della, Janine, Isabelle, Cheryl, Carol, Smithers, Hastings, Baldrick, Rocksteady, Bebop, Renfield, Reinhart, Hamegg, Meeseeks, Muttley, Smee, GIFfany, Pinoco, Agnew, Pokota, Ryo-Ohki, Luna, Artemis, Kyubey, Haro, Boothby, HAL, SAL, Friday, Edith, Peerssa, Tima, Multivac, Clippy, Asshole, Dipshit, Bitch, Dickwad, Fuckhead, Satan, Sweetie, Eddie, Marvin, Rosie, Grovel, Kilroy, Gort, Conky, Holly, Ziggy, Joshua, Balthazar, Caspar, Melchior, Karen, Nanmo, Bournemouth, Tachikoma, Kryten, Sumomo, Melchizedek, Agimus, Peanut Hamper, Badgey, Goodgey, Logic-y, MPU, and Flexo.
I’m leaning toward Meadows.
Great list!
(Winston is missing, but I guess he’s covered as Jeeves)
put ‘drumknot’ and ‘willikins’ on that list
SEARLE: Icarus. ICARUS [OVER COMMUNICATOR]: Yes, Dr. Searle? Please re-filter the Observation Room portal. ICARUS: Filter up or down, Dr. Searle? Down. Oh, my. Icarus, how close is this to full brightness? ICARUS: At this distance of 36 million miles… …you are observing the sun at 2 percent of full brightness. Two percent? Can you show me 4 percent?
Lord emperor
Pardon my ignorance. If I want to replace my Echo dots at home, can I make some kind of like, home made ones? I like having them for light control and music etc. but. After having them a few years they certainly have limits and privacy disadvantages. I have all hue lights at home myself. The echos just act as interfaces. Nobody in the family really uses the web interface much for light control. It’s usually voice. Can I have my cake and eat it to? How? Raspberry pi?
I really hope somebody finds a way to upload custom firmware to Google or Alexa speakers. I like the hardware and the sound and I know I will not be able to build something as nice myself…
You might be interested in projects like https://openhab.org, or https://mycroft.ai
I have tinkered with mycroft in the past and it was kinda finnicky at the time, but overal a great idea(an assistant like google or alexa but privacy oriented). A colleague of mine uses openhab for everything but security(his wife objected to that lol).
For starters i’d recommend some single board computer like the a raspberrypi, a speaker and a microphone and maybe try one of these (https://www.electromaker.io/blog/article/9-best-raspberry-pi-smart-home-software-options) out yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to post about those projects. I have heard of Mycroft but not openhab. The future is bright 🤩
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Central Scrutinizer, play Joe’s Garage on the living room stereo