They’ve seen your post
Goddamn! Lemmy got influence.
We did it Lemmy!
Next up: worldwide universal free at point of service healthcare!
What do you MEAN that’s more difficult to achieve??
Good ending
Minecraft looking pretty good these days.
Is this in Germany? This looks very German to me and I can’t even tell why.
Yes it’s Germany. Hessen.
Somewhere in the Reichstag: “Mein gott! A gartenlicht ist kaput somewhere! Hans! Schnellschnellschnell!!!”
We heff eckssidentally repläced wan bulb with a kaltweiß kind, Wolfgang get ze shotgun
Dude,that is not done in the Reichstag,that is far too inefficient.
We of course have our own government department for that, the Bundeswegbeleuchtungsreparaturamt (Federal footpath lighting repair authority) which is part of the Bundesimmobilienverwaltung(Federal real estate authority).
There are of course similar institutions on the state level (besides Saxony/Sachsen, it seems they like to live in the dark) like the Landesweglichtverwaltung (State path light administration) of Baden-Wurttemberg.
Some larger communities have similar agencies,but most simply have a commissary for it (Dorfweglichtbeauftragter), and yes, they are mostly named Hans, Dieter or sometimes Horst.
This is actually a very sensitive topic as the people suffered a lot during the war time black outs and therefore wanted to make sure that never happens again. (Besides Saxony, as I said,they prefer to keep it like 45 in some places).
Can’t even tell if you’re messing with us or if this is completely true.
Im German and I can’t even tell if he’s joking.
It’s the shape of the building
Looks just as plausible to be in the US.
Nah, if it were the US, that playground would be a parking lot.
Playground and bikes
Those things are at apartments in the US…
And risk being sued for medical expenses?
Yes? There’s an apartment building I drive by all the time that has a playground.
With a thing on a spring that is an injury lawyer’s wet dream? Also that thing is not cordoned off, it’s for general use, even though privately constructed.
You know those spring things are in public park playgrounds, right? My daughter played on them when she was younger all the time.
How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb?
Lights scream German. Colors scream American base.
this just restored my faith in humanity
Also turned up the ambient lighting (the sun), while they were at it, I see! Result!
This is the kind of content I live for right here. Good shit op
Idk if it’s my app or what, but the link to the original post takes me to yiff… I’m using Connect on Android.
Yiff might have a link grabber. I wish apps could parse links and redirect them in app. It’s an issue on many apps on iOS too.
Transyiff at that
Maybe the temperature can be changed on the fly and it just glitched out one night.
colour temperature is only changeable when you “mix” other colours in: usually you have cold white and warm white LEDs and you mix them to get whatever temp you want
for commercial, i doubt they’d double the LEDs so you could adjust them… the name of the game in commercial lighting is buy what you need, buy it cheap, and don’t pay for things you won’t use
There are led bulbs that have variable light temperatures, I have some in my room as we speak. Don’t need multiple bulbs. They’re not that expensive either, and they do sometimes have a hickup if I accidentally flip the switch multiple times too fast, and reset to their default temperature and brightness.
not multiple bulbs no, but those bulbs have multiple LEDs in them… LEDs only have a single colour, but you can produce variable colour (or colour temperature) bulbs by mixing R/G/B or warm white and cold white
philips hue bulbs for example have red, green, blue, warm white, and cold white LEDs so they can mix any colour or colour temperature
to have variable colour temperature requires a warm white and a cold white LED that get mixed, so they’re always being used at 50% or less (because 50% emission on both is the same brightness as 100% of 1)… commercial fixtures are likely to not give that option and only include a single LED at fixed colour temperature to avoid 2x the parts
It gets funnier when you realize that warm white is physically colder than cool white as well. And vice versa.
No no. We’ve see the Hausmaister coming in the morning and replacing the bulb ;)
Adafruit has an excellent tut on controlling RBGW arrays via a pi pico and circuit python (or a lot of other controllers. or whatever.) I built the niece a night light/bed lamp (along with a white noise generator) It has a number of different odds and ends to control it, including five rotary encoders that also have push-button switches… it didn’t take her too long to learn that, if the button switches happen to be pushed in the right sequence… “Party Mode” comes on, with rainbow flashy goodness.
The, uh, sequences keep mysteriously changing and getting tougher for some strange reason…
That link to the “Original Post” doesn’t seem to work, unless I’m missing the joke.
It works for me, so the issue must be on your side (or they fixed the link)
Alternate ending to the short movie Burn-E