Dude,that is not done in the Reichstag,that is far too inefficient.
We of course have our own government department for that, the Bundeswegbeleuchtungsreparaturamt (Federal footpath lighting repair authority) which is part of the Bundesimmobilienverwaltung(Federal real estate authority).
There are of course similar institutions on the state level (besides Saxony/Sachsen, it seems they like to live in the dark) like the Landesweglichtverwaltung (State path light administration) of Baden-Wurttemberg.
Some larger communities have similar agencies,but most simply have a commissary for it (Dorfweglichtbeauftragter), and yes, they are mostly named Hans, Dieter or sometimes Horst.
This is actually a very sensitive topic as the people suffered a lot during the war time black outs and therefore wanted to make sure that never happens again. (Besides Saxony, as I said,they prefer to keep it like 45 in some places).
Yes it’s Germany. Hessen.
Somewhere in the Reichstag: “Mein gott! A gartenlicht ist kaput somewhere! Hans! Schnellschnellschnell!!!”
We heff eckssidentally repläced wan bulb with a kaltweiß kind, Wolfgang get ze shotgun
Dude,that is not done in the Reichstag,that is far too inefficient.
We of course have our own government department for that, the Bundeswegbeleuchtungsreparaturamt (Federal footpath lighting repair authority) which is part of the Bundesimmobilienverwaltung(Federal real estate authority).
There are of course similar institutions on the state level (besides Saxony/Sachsen, it seems they like to live in the dark) like the Landesweglichtverwaltung (State path light administration) of Baden-Wurttemberg.
Some larger communities have similar agencies,but most simply have a commissary for it (Dorfweglichtbeauftragter), and yes, they are mostly named Hans, Dieter or sometimes Horst.
This is actually a very sensitive topic as the people suffered a lot during the war time black outs and therefore wanted to make sure that never happens again. (Besides Saxony, as I said,they prefer to keep it like 45 in some places).
Can’t even tell if you’re messing with us or if this is completely true.
Im German and I can’t even tell if he’s joking.