So I use a VPN when torrenting as per usual but with Soulseek I wish to share my music with others and that requires me to open a port. I have no problem doing so I just do not pay for a VPN that can do this at the current price I am paying. Is it possible/what are the chances of me getting in trouble ISP wise from using soulseek with no VPN. With where I live I would get in trouble with no VPN and torrents for clarity.
I see posts from years ago saying no just wondering if things have changed.


  • quirzle
    -11 year ago

    While I appreciate your view, I have to disagree.

    Then you’re mistaken. I was commenting on the link you shared, which was the result of a version of PMS that was 2.5 years out of date and has absolutely nothing to do with sharing.

    Though, after reading the rest of your vague, rambling nonsense, I suspect you’re either some sort of bot or a moron. Not going to bother engaging with you further.

    • stevedidWHAT
      01 year ago

      Considering your rude name calling and the fact that you totally skirted the crux of the issue by downplaying and muddying my argument, I too think we can end this one sided conversation.

      Good luck with your chronic inability to conduct yourself in any manner short of rude, disrespectful, and condensing towards others of your own species.