My revanced has been out of date and non functional for a while, do you happen to recall how to update it? For some reason I’m struggling to remember the install process.
Used to do that but recently switched over to ReVanced because Firefox pip would just show the corner of the webpage sometimes, or when I go to fullscreen the app would close, so I’d have to go back on Firefox again and fullscreen twice because the first time I fullscreen it doesn’t auto-rotate
apks are not the best idea even from trusted sites. There’s probably a telegram link for it. I use the extended version which has some extra goodies:
good thing i use revanced 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍📌
edit: not the pin
My revanced has been out of date and non functional for a while, do you happen to recall how to update it? For some reason I’m struggling to remember the install process.
Huh. My solution (for years now) has been to kill the YouTube ap entirely and watch videos on Firefox with uBlock Origin.
I may have to see if Revanced is a better experience.
Used to do that but recently switched over to ReVanced because Firefox pip would just show the corner of the webpage sometimes, or when I go to fullscreen the app would close, so I’d have to go back on Firefox again and fullscreen twice because the first time I fullscreen it doesn’t auto-rotate
deleted by creator
apks are not the best idea even from trusted sites. There’s probably a telegram link for it. I use the extended version which has some extra goodies:
That has to be trolling
get a newer YouTube apk, install and then patch. the same way you install it in the first place. you reminded me that I need to do the same
If you don’t want to deal with that, NewPipe is pretty good. I’ve been using it for a bit and love it.
Can be found on f-droid or from their website
Personally I use revanced extended from GitHub. It’s got additional options and they release an APK, so I just download and install
Revanced APKs - Automated builds and distribution of ReVanced apps (unofficial):
Alternatively I use Newpipe and testing Grayjay.
If your rooted you can use magisk and just hunt down the revanced magisk zip.
If your rooted you can use magisk and just hunt down the revanced magisk zip.
BTW if you can only find the magisk apk rename the apk to .zip and you can fastboot flash to boot.
i thought the pin indicated a blood offering for a second