Tristin Kate Smith, a 28-year-old Ohio nurse, wrote a scathing letter to her “abuser” five months ahead of her August 2023 suicide.

    1 year ago

    I’m in the medical field. Capitalism and quality healthcare are incompatible. Any capitalist country with good healthcare only has good healthcare because they keep capitalism out of it. It gets immediately worse when capitalism is reintroduced to the field. Look at the UK and Canada for reference. Not to mention, her suicide note explicitly says profit is the reason that her and her co-workers are suffering. Educate yourself on the issues or shut the fuck up

      231 year ago

      Our politicians are pushing hard for an American system in Canada, the provincial Conservative (Republican) governments are underfunding healthcare so they can turn around and say “See!? This is why we need a two tier system.” it’s bullshit.

      91 year ago

      But but but WiAtInG TiMeS! I cAn’T gEt InStAnT aPpOiNtMeNtS wItH SoCiAlIsM HeAlThCaRe!!

      Oh, the first available appointment I can make in the current capitalist system is two weeks out? Teehee… Shhhh. I want to fight for the owners. Teehee 🤭