• 520
    631 year ago

    Are you…are you fucking serious?

    Jesus was literally all about that peace stuff. What fucking Bible is he reading from exactly?!

    • Flying Squid
      481 year ago

      This is Republican Jesus who hates brown people and loves rich people.

    • @Fester@lemm.ee
      221 year ago

      Fundamentalists and Evangelicals try to interpret the book of Revelation “literally.” Most scholars think it was code-speak to give hope to contemporaries being oppressed by the Roman Empire, but these people think it’s prophecy that will be fulfilled at the apocalypse.

      Revelation, as they read it, describes an anti-Christ figure, who is a Jewish man, who will unite the world under one government and broker peace for a short time before a period of unimaginable suffering and destruction. Conveniently, they read between the lines and have convinced themselves that “real Christians” will be swept away in the clouds and spared from all that suffering.

      Jesus eventually ends up flying down on a white horse with all the real Christians and angels and skewers the anti-Christ, his followers, and non-Christians with swords that shoot out of his mouth and casts them into a bottomless pit.

      I mean, it’s really wild stuff. And apparently it’s informing US policy. They want all of this to happen, but they just want to be on the “right” side of it. This pastor isn’t saying they shouldn’t try for peace - just that Christians should furrow their brows about it so God won’t leave them behind.

    • Optional
      131 year ago

      MAGA pastors hate woke baby jesus. Also, they don’t pay taxes.

      • 520
        31 year ago

        Damn, the person who did unto him that much pain, misery and hatred probably needs to be jailed for war crimes.

    • Book of Revelations mostly. Basically a fanfic about how Rome was going to get wiped out and Christianity would get all their swag. Jesus does not come off as a nice guy in it.

      Disagree with your assessment of Jesus being all about peace stuff.

      Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

      -Matthew 10:34

      Also fun fact, if you note every time someone has a sword than from the Baptism to the Crucifixion someone is always armed in every scene that involves more than one person.

      • 520
        1 year ago

        Matthew 10:34

        You misconstrue what is being said in this paragraph. He is saying to not expect the path of Jesus to be easy and conflict-free, and infact it will divide people and even cause conflicts.

        • It isn’t about what I say it is about how his followers understand it and have understood it. You are trying to argue that it is advocating a stance of holding on to your integrity. Fine go ahead and argue that. That isn’t how it has been understood. It has been understood that it meant you are ordered to be violent to enforce his kingdom.

          You know neurology has shown that the same part of the brain that is active when asked “what do you think of x” is the same part of the brain that is active when asked “what does your god think of x”? Just a fun little fact about that explains why everyone always has the “true” understanding.