The sooner you do it the easier it’s gonna be. Just bite the bullet and get it done, and schedule your 6 month follow up visit before you leave. I went more than a decade and getting back to normal - multiple deep cleanings - was rough. But once you get back to normal, just take it easy on the sugary sodas, brush twice a day, and floss or water pik more often than never and those visits are quick. I go every 6 months and it’s still just as uncomfortable, but they’re done in a couple minutes instead of 10-15.
I went in for a broken tooth and they were gonna crown it but ended up as just a filling. Went back a few weeks later for full exam and X-rays… no cavities. Could’ve been worse but at least my anxiety about my teeth is gone.
You might be fine, but you also might not be. Best to go soon.
I was super afraid of the dentist so I didn’t go for about the same length of time. I also picked up a habit of drinking sodie pops.
I cracked a tooth 2 years ago and had to get a root canal. They did a checkup and found 8 cavities so over the course of a year I got them all filled.
I am not sure if the technologies have gotten better or it was just my fear as a child but the dentist visits were very painless and stress free. The root canal hurt for a second when the roots were drilled out and that was it.
It feels fantastic to not have any tooth pain or agitation of something getting stuck in a cavity.
Yeah, my filling was uncomfy and nerve racking but not really painful in any way. They even do topical anesthetic before the shots so I didn’t even really feel those.
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When I went back to the dentist after skipping 2 years I had 9 cavities. As embarrassing as that is… I’m also trained as a dental assistant.
My unsolicited advice: Go now, it can only get worse
The sooner you do it the easier it’s gonna be. Just bite the bullet and get it done, and schedule your 6 month follow up visit before you leave. I went more than a decade and getting back to normal - multiple deep cleanings - was rough. But once you get back to normal, just take it easy on the sugary sodas, brush twice a day, and floss or water pik more often than never and those visits are quick. I go every 6 months and it’s still just as uncomfortable, but they’re done in a couple minutes instead of 10-15.
Don’t be like me, I didn’t go for 20 years…
I went in for a broken tooth and they were gonna crown it but ended up as just a filling. Went back a few weeks later for full exam and X-rays… no cavities. Could’ve been worse but at least my anxiety about my teeth is gone.
You might be fine, but you also might not be. Best to go soon.
I was super afraid of the dentist so I didn’t go for about the same length of time. I also picked up a habit of drinking sodie pops.
I cracked a tooth 2 years ago and had to get a root canal. They did a checkup and found 8 cavities so over the course of a year I got them all filled.
I am not sure if the technologies have gotten better or it was just my fear as a child but the dentist visits were very painless and stress free. The root canal hurt for a second when the roots were drilled out and that was it.
It feels fantastic to not have any tooth pain or agitation of something getting stuck in a cavity.
Yeah, my filling was uncomfy and nerve racking but not really painful in any way. They even do topical anesthetic before the shots so I didn’t even really feel those.
Certainly wasn’t the case when I was a kid lol.
Meh, IANAD but for adults without complex dental history and good hygiene I’d argue once every three years is pretty reasonable.