Spoilers below (and apologies, as I can’t get the spoiler tag to work. If someone knows, let me know!).
In Portal 2, you learn the GLaDOS is actually the brain dump of Cave Johnson’s assistant, named Caroline. Cave Johnson is the one that ran the company that created the portal gun.
It can be both natural and artificial. Bananas are a perfect example. They grow in the wild, but not human-altered bananas are extinct. Hence they are natural, as they don’t require humans to produce more of them, and artificial, as humans made them.
Also, if you want to get real pedantic, all human intelligence is artificial as you learn from other humans. Also, your parents made your mind.
I don’t necessarily consider pathfinding AI, but I don’t like that reasoning. If ai coded a set of rules for a units behavior, if that behavior responds to different conditions, I’d consider it AI. Even though it is purely deterministic.
That would make any non-trivial piece of code AI. Like ffmpeg, for example, or a chess computer. Complicated tools, sure, but with a bit of effort you can predict how they will behave in a given circumstance. Meaning you could set a trap for the chess computer and it would walk right into it. Every single time. No learning occurs.
Until a few years ago AI was effectively synonymous with AGI, Artificial General Intelligence, which requires the software to be able to adapt to new situations and be able to solve even unknown problems with as few or fewer attempts than a human would need.
I don’t think it’s such a stretch to say that a digital copy is artificial, especially with the given context of malfunctions and personality alteration/memory deletion (and stuff I can’t quite put into words, like her existing for so long and doing testing when no other scientists are left). Even Wheatley seems more human, though stupid and ultimately just as malicious.
I mean I could’ve seen the story written differently (and perhaps some of it was played for laughs) but that’s not what it was.
Even though Wheatley is supposed to be the stupid one, he actually does a pretty good job learning from past mistakes that he and others have made. If only Chell didn’t medle in turret production.
Because she’s the mind of Cave Johnson’s assistant Caroline copied into the computer. GLaDOS is actually an anagram acronym of “Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System”
Can you explain? Why not?
Spoilers below (and apologies, as I can’t get the spoiler tag to work. If someone knows, let me know!).
That’s still an AI, just derived from a human person.
I’d argue that the intelligence is still natural.
It can be both natural and artificial. Bananas are a perfect example. They grow in the wild, but not human-altered bananas are extinct. Hence they are natural, as they don’t require humans to produce more of them, and artificial, as humans made them.
Also, if you want to get real pedantic, all human intelligence is artificial as you learn from other humans. Also, your parents made your mind.
Caroline was just PART of GLaDOS.
Well that depends on what your definition of AI is. IMO if pathfinding is AI then GLaDOS is definitely AI
Actually A* is deterministic thus simply intelligently designed, but not intelligent itself. Nobody considers that AI.
I don’t necessarily consider pathfinding AI, but I don’t like that reasoning. If ai coded a set of rules for a units behavior, if that behavior responds to different conditions, I’d consider it AI. Even though it is purely deterministic.
That would make any non-trivial piece of code AI. Like
, for example, or a chess computer. Complicated tools, sure, but with a bit of effort you can predict how they will behave in a given circumstance. Meaning you could set a trap for the chess computer and it would walk right into it. Every single time. No learning occurs.Until a few years ago AI was effectively synonymous with AGI, Artificial General Intelligence, which requires the software to be able to adapt to new situations and be able to solve even unknown problems with as few or fewer attempts than a human would need.
I don’t think it’s such a stretch to say that a digital copy is artificial, especially with the given context of malfunctions and personality alteration/memory deletion (and stuff I can’t quite put into words, like her existing for so long and doing testing when no other scientists are left). Even Wheatley seems more human, though stupid and ultimately just as malicious.
I mean I could’ve seen the story written differently (and perhaps some of it was played for laughs) but that’s not what it was.
Even though Wheatley is supposed to be the stupid one, he actually does a pretty good job learning from past mistakes that he and others have made. If only Chell didn’t medle in turret production.
I think the Sync dev forgot about spoilers so I’m trying to figure it out now from this doc
did I figure it out?
Worked for me in Sync 👍
Great. Unfortunately, the spoiler button in Sync’s markup bar still used the reddit style markup.
So >!this!< will look like a spoiler to you and me but not to anyone on the site or any other app/frontend.
You figured it out!
Because she’s the mind of Cave Johnson’s assistant Caroline copied into the computer. GLaDOS is actually an
anagramacronym of “Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System”Acronym*
You broke my brain for a minute there.
Lol. You’re right, of course. Acronym.
I knew it sounded wrong yet it somehow overwrote my ability to remember the right word lol. I had to google “initialism” and work backward from there.
It’s clearly a palindrome /s