A flurry of Harvard students and groups are trying to backtrack on their support of a letter blaming Israel — as some business titans seek to blacklist them from future jobs.
It was surprisingly difficult to find! All the “news” articles were just he-said-she-said baloney.
Edit: Here is the text so you don’t have to download the PDF:
Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine
We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all
unfolding violence.
Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in
Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison. Israeli of f i cials promise to “open the gates of
hell,” and the massacres in Gaza have already commenced. Palestinians in Gaza have no shelters
for refuge and nowhere to escape. In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full
brunt of Israel’s violence.
The apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of
Palestinian existence for 75 years. From systematized land seizures to routine airstrikes, arbitrary
detentions to military checkpoints, and enforced family separations to targeted killings,
Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and sudden.
Today, the Palestinian ordeal enters into uncharted territory. The coming days will require a f i rm
stand against colonial retaliation. We call on the Harvard community to take action to stop the
ongoing annihilation of Palestinians.
This statement was co-authored by a coalition of Palestine solidarity groups at Harvard. For
student safety, the names of all original signing organizations have been concealed at this
Damn. I find it incredibly difficult to trust any company that takes issue with this statement. They’re calling for an end to a genocide and get punished for it? Shit sucks.
For anyone curious, here is the letter:
It was surprisingly difficult to find! All the “news” articles were just he-said-she-said baloney.
Edit: Here is the text so you don’t have to download the PDF:
That is pretty straight up and a sober critique honestly.
Damn. I find it incredibly difficult to trust any company that takes issue with this statement. They’re calling for an end to a genocide and get punished for it? Shit sucks.