Curious as to how many others do this, or if I am just crazy. Anyone else buy physical copies of games and movies and play/watch a pirated version to keep the original product sealed? Do you have a different method or do something similar?

  • Landor Dragen
    62 years ago

    I’m ashamed to admit that I had never ever bought a movie, a music album, a game or anything similar.

      22 years ago

      It’s all a matter of disposable income and your principles. I will pirate most software if I can. If I’ve used it for a few years I’ll buy them official version. I only own a few movies, like Reservoir Dogs and The Big Lebowski. Sometimes I’ll buy a record I like on vinyl. Now a days it’s not really about getting the content, it’s about wanting to support and contribute to the artists and creators who built this stuff.