For those of you who use Raspberry Pi’s in your home environment, I’m curious as to what you use them for. What applications are you running on them? Do you have your Pi’s setup in a cluster?

    1 year ago

    Lets see…

    • nord vpn client
    • qbittorrent (through nord vpn)
    • proxy server (through nord vpn)
    • wireguard vpn server
    • ssh client so I can port forward through the vpn server to/from connected clients
    • jellyfin
    • ntfy (self hosted notifications)
    • pi-hole (vital for the local dns)
    • nginx
    • gitea
    • wallabag
    • minecraft server
    • container registery
    • smb share for my friend (I help them with content creation)
    • smb share for a live recording profile I set up on android

    Those are just docker containers, it also is a backup server for all the devices I own. It also runs all non sensitive data on an unencrypted partition then will auto decrypt the sensitive partion through ssh via my desktop. This means my vpn server will always run so I can connect, wake on lan my desktop, decrypt it and log in. Im sure I’m missing things.

      11 year ago

      My list is very similar but I have my Pis in a k3s cluster with a NAS for PVs. That allows me to not worry about what physical device is hosting the service, and I built it so I can intermix amd64 devices when I start adding in my used laptops into the mix.