The summer is over, schools are back, and the data is in: ChatGPT is mainly a tool for cheating on homework.::ChatGPT traffic dropped when summer began and schools closed. Now students are back, and they’re using the AI tool again more.

    2 years ago

    Homework is a way to get parents involved because there is literally no way to teach kids everything they need to learn at school.

    It’s a pitifully failed way to try and get parents involved because in the end the vast majority literally don’t give a shit.

    My sister is a teacher and she’s constantly on about how little time parents put into their kids education. Note that she teaches affluent kids, I’d assume this is ten times worse in homes where both parents work or single parent homes with few resources.

      2 years ago

      I don’t know why or where you get the idea that 8+ hours a day five days a week isn’t enough to teach kids” everything they need to know in school.” I am not anti education at all. Love school. Love university. But as someone that had to leave before the sun rose and didn’t get back until long after it set thanks to after school commitments +homework, I’ll be doing everything I can to avoid subjecting my child to that. Work life balance is important for adults, and I refuse to believe it’s not also crucial for growing minds.