First hydrogen locomotive started working in Poland.

  • merde alors
    132 years ago

    all trains, even the speed trains, in france run on electricity for who knows how many decades.

    same trains go to great Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and maybe some other countries too.

    source of the electricity is debatable though. France produces a great majority of its electricity from nuclear since the ww2 trauma.

      42 years ago

      Oh you mean debatable because it’s one of the cleanest, cheapest, and safest sources of electricity we have?

      Which allows France a degree of energy independence which has helped it not suffer the same amount of pain other countries have now that they’re having to kick the cheap Russian gas addiction?

      And through huge cross-border interconnects it allows France to sell electricity to neighbouring countries at a huge profit?

      Nuclear is not always the answer, but as France has shown, as long as you invest in reliable infrastructure and don’t put it in earthquake/tsunami-prone areas, it can be a huge positive for your country.

      And you don’t have to rely on antagonistic petrostates for to power your homes with gas, or on strip-mining huge swathes of land by equally-antagonistic China for rare-earth metals for your wind turbines/solar panels/battery storage.

      • merde alors
        42 years ago

        by “debatable”, i mean that the moment you mention it, debate starts. You proved me right and i thank you 😉