The former Florida surgeon general is rebuking claims by the DeSantis administration that updated COVID-19 vaccines have “not been proven to be safe or effective” and that the shots should not be recommended for individuals under the age of 65.

The COVID vaccines remain “very, very safe, and have a really proven efficacy, particularly against preventing severe disease,” Dr. Scott Rivkees, the former Florida surgeon general during the initial years of the pandemic, told ABC News.

“If they say that COVID vaccines are not safe and that they are not effective, the onus is on them to show those data,” Rivkees said.

    12 years ago

    You’ve given no evidence for this after I asked you repeatedly for a source to figure out what is meant by conspiracy theory.

      2 years ago

      I was replying to your examples of OJ and Kavanaugh, not sure why you made an upthread comment but whatever.

      From Wikipedia:

      A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups.

      A conspiracy, also known as a plot, is a secret plan or agreement between people (called conspirers or conspirators) for an unlawful or harmful purpose.

      It always has to be MULTIPLE people. A single person cannot, by definition, do a conspiracy. OJ Simpson acting alone cannot be engaged in a conspiracy. Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulting his classmate makes him a criminal but the act is still not a conspiracy. (If you believe the Jews or the CIA made him do it or framed him for their goals, then that would be a conspiracy theory). How many comments do we need to go back and forth to explain basic English definitions?

        02 years ago

        Show me the source or admit you don’t have one. I no longer want to go through you as a middleman, because we’re clearly talking past each other.

        You’re well within your right to think me stupid, but I want to understand, so please help if you can.

          02 years ago

          Are you trolling? I just gave you the definitions of the term conspiracy theory. What are you even going on about? Are you trying to argue a specific conspiracy? Go troll somewhere else.