Weed is illegal federally, but it keeps getting produced at a state level. This really worries me, si to try to rectify this situation, I have just been buying and burning as much as I can. I don’t know how much of an effect its having because I just keep seeing more pop up.
I will continue despite it seeming more and more like a fools errand.
Why is it your problem? I’m not trying to be judgemental, I just don’t see why I should care what others do? It’s not like every stoner is blowing the smoke in your face.
not really a woosh, I didn’t think that part out fully. I was talking from my perspective where I would be respectful, just as I am with vaping. I know in some parts, i’ve heard it can be really bad. Screw people who just blow it everywhere and make places stink. However there are nearly oderless ways of smoking (particularly vaping) where a smoker can be respectful about it, and just keep it in there car (leave it in your driveway, never drive high). In this case, I don’t see why someone should be upset at the respectfull stoners.
Weed is illegal federally, but it keeps getting produced at a state level. This really worries me, si to try to rectify this situation, I have just been buying and burning as much as I can. I don’t know how much of an effect its having because I just keep seeing more pop up.
I will continue despite it seeming more and more like a fools errand.
I’m with you brother. You don’t need to walk this brave path alone.
Notice that this previous comment holds with certainty for the United States Of America. Your mileage may vary depending on your area.
If for instance on the other hand, you live in The Netherlands, having small amounts of cannabis to use is legal.
So glad that isn’t the case here. Burning small amounts would get me no where.
Why is it your problem? I’m not trying to be judgemental, I just don’t see why I should care what others do? It’s not like every stoner is blowing the smoke in your face.
Why is it who’s problem? Sorry I am a little confused. This damn smoke keeps getting in my eyes. Maybe I should burn this outdoors instead.
not really a woosh, I didn’t think that part out fully. I was talking from my perspective where I would be respectful, just as I am with vaping. I know in some parts, i’ve heard it can be really bad. Screw people who just blow it everywhere and make places stink. However there are nearly oderless ways of smoking (particularly vaping) where a smoker can be respectful about it, and just keep it in there car (leave it in your driveway, never drive high). In this case, I don’t see why someone should be upset at the respectfull stoners.