Back on Christmas Eve of last year there were some reports that Elon Musk was in the process of shutting down Twitter’s Sacramento data center. In that article, a number of ex-Twitter employees wer…
Back on Christmas Eve of last year there were some reports that Elon Musk was in the process of shutting down Twitter’s Sacramento data center. In that article, a number of ex-Twitter employees wer…
I’m shocked that the data center required retinal scans but that the employee with access could then just hold the door and let him and others in.
I used to work at a data center with lots of security. To get into the area with the servers you had to go through a man trap. It was a room a little larger than a telephone booth with automatic doors on both sides. To open the first door you needed a physical card key. Once inside the door closed, then to open the inner door you needed to both enter a PIN and have your hand scanned in a biometric scanner. Only after all that could you get inside. The booth also weighed you, and if your weight was off by a certain amount after your last pass through then it wouldn’t let you in. That was to prevent somebody from piggybacking with you.
lmao mental image of Daniel Craig riding someone piggyback in a tuxedo and holding a silenced pistol
Prop yourself from wall to wall so your weight doesn’t count.
Spiderman be stealing yo bits.
It’ll only work if you use three Bonds’ in a trench coat!
How do you get big equipments (e.g.a pallet of server components, or a whole rack of new servers) into the area?
Separate double bay doors. They have a pair for each floor that opens to an outside wall. You use a forklift to get the pallets up. That or there is a big ass freight elevator, depending on the data center.
So it’s basically this setup
likely admin override right? i think as a lowly employee this is what he had to do
Oh, god, so that little death hallway to the red queen in resident evil was ACCURATE
Even the smaller data center I used to go to would have an alarm go off if the door was open for more than a few seconds. The first door opened with your hand being scanned and the cage to our racks could be opened with a key card.
How did they get racks in there? Or like big blade servers?
I’m sure there were other, larger, entry points that could be opened for moving equipment in and out. They would then be locked down during normal operation.
That’s pretty cool, sounds like some MacGyver shit!
Fatphobic security smh.
My understanding is you can be as heavy as you want, you just can’t gain more than 20kg in a week
Is that a challenge?
- Niko Avocado