Saturday’s temperature had triggered an excessive heat warning across Arizona as lows were expected to range between 80F and 86F

On Saturday afternoon, the National Weather Service announced that the temperature at Phoenix Sky Harbor international airport reached 110F, making it the 54th day this year with temperatures of at least 110F.

Saturday’s temperature breaks the previous record of 53 days that was set in 2020. From 1991 to 2020, the average consecutive days of 110F or above is 21 days, the NWS said.

An excessive heat warning has been issued for south central and south-west Arizona until 8pm on Sunday as weekend highs are expected to range between 108F and 114F. Meanwhile, lows are expected to range between 80F to 86F.

    172 years ago

    I get your point, but disagree with your thesis. Fahrenheit makes a lot of sense for human comfort ranges. 0 and 100 are some of the most extreme natural temperatures most people in F-using countries ever see. 0 means cold as fuck and 100 means hot as fuck. And there’s a single-digit useful precision to it as well. 72 and 73 are close, but noticeably different. Celsius requires decimals for that kind of difference. And 0 means “it’s kinda cold outside, I guess” and 100 means “you were dead a long time ago”, so it’s not nearly as useful in every day life with natural living temperatures.

        62 years ago

        Is also incredibly subjective. What’s comfortable for one person might not be for another. I’m pretty sure an Inuit and a Ghanan have pretty different ideas of what’s cold or hot. Same for Floridan and Minnesotan speaking of the US

    • Blue
      2 years ago

      I get your point “but because I was brought up with this system I’m going to make an argument as why it makes sense to me”

      25 Celsius is a nice summer day

      0 Celsius you better take a jacket and it’s probably going to snow

      43 Celsius damn hot

      60-80 Celsius a very nice sauna

      It’s not that hard burgerman

        102 years ago


        Hey, we didn’t come up with the shit in the first place. The Imperial System is a British invention.

        • Blue
          -32 years ago

          Once upon a time I was going trough some hardships, sometimes I couldn’t afford a meal, I’m not proud to admit that one time I took paper towels, wet them in a bowl and eat them, and you know what? Still had more flavor than br**ish food.

    • Sentient Loom
      92 years ago

      If it requires this much explanation, it’s not very sensible.

      In Celsius 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling. It’s so simple. “Comfortable” is anywhere from like 15-30 (my Canadian standards, very subjective I know) and we don’t need decimals.

          22 years ago

          “Fairly cold”? I’ve been in 0c a few times in my life and every time it was freezing!

          Isn’t 100f the temperature your blood is meant to be?

            12 years ago

            98.6°F is body temperature. The .6 is funny because it’s only there because someone picked a nice round number in °C then converted it. There’s a name for that in math but I can’t remember what it is… something about more precise than accurate…

        2 years ago

        It’s honestly really intuitive for weather if you grew up with it. We still use metric for science because it makes the most sense there, like you say.

        22 years ago

        But it’s not that simple. 100 boiling is only true at sea level. At 530 (~1750 feet) it’s 98c. At 1500m (~5000ft) it’s down to 95c. At 3000m (10k feet) it’s just under 90c. Ocean water freezes at -2c. Fully saturated salt water freezes at -21c.

        12 years ago

        That’s an approximation. Celsius is no longer defined in terms of water boiling and freezing, and they are no longer exactly 0 and 100.

        The modern definition of Celsius is based on absolute zero and the triple point of water. And those are also the basis for the modern definition of Fahrenheit.

      92 years ago

      Any usefulness of Fahrenheit is purely accidental, how is water freezing at 32F useful? I’ll grant that the finer resolution can be seen as a positive, I don’t see how Fahrenheit is better for human comfort, my personal optimal comfort zone is 22-24C°, and I have no need for decimals for that. 73F is pretty close to 23C, I don’t see much difference regarding comfort in either.

      The huge problem with Fahrenheit, is that it is impractical in many situations, it has basically no merit to justify its existence, and only a minority of countries continue to use it.

      Of course Americans can do whatever they want, but they are looking stupider for each year they keep using “Freedom Units”.

      Of course Americans switch to metric for mostly anything scientific, for example NASA use Metric.

        12 years ago

        The SI unit of temperature is kelvin, not Celsius.

        If people don’t want to use kelvin, does that mean they are stupid?

          12 years ago

          True, but Kelvin is based on Celsius, only difference is that zero is moved from freezing water to absolute zero. Celsius however is more practical for everyday life.

            12 years ago

            Celsius is only practical if you measure the temperature of water more often than the temperature of air.

            But most people never measure the temperature of water, and frequently measure the temperature of air. For them, Celsius offers no advantage.

                2 years ago

                A scale that typically goes from -20 to 40 is less practical than a scale that typically goes from 0 to 100.

                Humidity is irrelevant. Celsius is useful only when measuring the liquid phase of water.

    • 0 means any water outside will most likely start freezing, 100 means any water outside will be boiling. Makes sense to me. What temp do things start freezing in F? 30? 40? Doesn’t make sense at all. What temp does water boil? 160? I dunno, none of it is rational in any way.