What liquid do people use for their airlocks?

I have been using water for a while but have recently seen people who think this isn’t best practice and is likely to get infected.

I have also found out that the sanitizer I use breaks down over time so likely wouldn’t be suitable. I have taken to using dish soap for now but don’t know if there is a problem with this practice.

I am currently avoiding vodka because of the alcohol duty in my country.

  • @dcat@lemmy.world
    42 years ago

    everyone who brews anything at home starts out being very worried about infection, meticulously cleaning every surface, and thinking that you’ve fucked the whole batch cause of minor shit.

    as you go through this process a few times, you gain the experience of knowing what is a minor, or major screwup.

    chances are you just ran into someone who has seen a bunch of youtube videos, or at most have brewed once or twice, and is still in the “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck”-mentality, projecting their stress on to you.

    brewing is supposed to be fun, i hope you have a good time brewing.