You have to laugh … I remember Glastonbury, up to my knees in mud - it’s all part of the fun. Having said that, it’s unlikely turn into a survival situation in a field in Somerset, so not really that comparable …
You have to laugh … I remember Glastonbury, up to my knees in mud - it’s all part of the fun. Having said that, it’s unlikely turn into a survival situation in a field in Somerset, so not really that comparable …
Kind of ironic considering the climate protests on the way in.
How is that ironic?
A festival shooing away protestors protesting climate change and then that festival experiencing an extreme weather event because of climate change
Ah, gotcha. I missed the story. Still not strictly ironic, but I get what you meant now.
Is there a word for it? When I posted it I was hoping someone might correct me :)
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It just happened and was in the news so shouldn’t be hard to find if you have the nagging curiousities
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Not at all. That’s how it works. More climate change, more random weather events. Or if you like things simple “it rained because of climate change”.
Weather and climate are not the same thing
Yet they are not mutually exclusive.
It’s just stupid how people deny climate change because it can still rain and still get cold.
wEATheR and ClImate are nOt The same thINg
You deny climate change?
I’m mocking you for denying it.
They’re not denying it.
They’re stupid and definitely made it seem like they were, but they weren’t.
How do you thread the needle between “stupid statement that sounds like denial but isn’t” and just denial. You have a crystal ball over there?
He thought you were a climate change denier because climate change deniers often confuse weather with climate. The difference is time scale. Weather is day to day(like the daily temperature and if it rains that day), Climate is longer term (like average annual temperature or how Manny days of rain you get in a year, ect.)