These companies paid their employees a median wage of $31,672 in 2022, while their CEOs took home an average $15.3m

  • The upper-class does not rely on income the same way the middle and lower class do. Taxing income affects us much more than it does them, that’s why you institute a wealth tax to spread the burden.

      02 years ago

      You simply don’t understand. All income flows into wealth. All wealth is eventually becomes, one way or another, taxable income. You can defer it for a while but it’s literally all the same thing.

      You’re talking about legislating a massive clusterfuck, like you can’t even imagine how messy it would be, that pretty much nobody would comply with free of errors and omissions, all over a timing difference.

      Just please, I’m fucking begging you, stop talking about a wealth tax, especially when you don’t understand how tax works to begin with.