Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’

    572 years ago

    So they screech about the justice system being weaponized because they’re being tried and prosecuted for their crimes, and then turn around and in the same breath just flat out say they’ll weaponize the justice system. Classic case of saying the quiet part out loud.

    • Evie
      212 years ago

      Project, deny, gaslight, then project again. The GOP maga play book

      112 years ago

      Most conservatives, as in all of those not in charge, have issues with empathy; specifically imagining the inner world of any other human being. That’s not to say that cannot do this very simple human activity, rather they specifically cannot imagine any other human on the planet thinks any differently or has any other motivations than them. Therefore if they would do something in a situation, then everyone in that situation must be trying to do the thing that they would do.

      They believe democrats are weaponizing the justice system, because it’s what they would do, and thus they assume anyone that failed to do that before now was simply prevented from doing so – now that they see ‘weaponized’ justice happening, they think it’s fair game for their guys to do it.

      2 years ago

      If you (in the general sense) don’t believe that Trump and his cronies committed crimes, then you would likely believe that the justice system is being used to attack him. If it’s being used to attack him, then him doing the same to his opponents is equivalent and fair.

      Whether or not you believe he committed crimes is dependent on your news sources, ability to fact check and think critically, and your trust in the justice system.

      A very significant portion of the population doesn’t believe he committed crimes.