Cant imagine making 30 k a year and having to pay even 1600 in taxes. This is saying it will increase that much.

      20 days ago

      So… in my opinion, and my opinion only- what do I suggest we do In this specific situation where America is seemingly fucked with no way out?

      I suggest we just accept it, and hope that in four years the ninety million some-odd fucking assholes that didn’t want to listen to anyone in November decide to get off their smug and entitled asses and participate this time- because this could have easily been avoided.

      We had plenty of warning. We all saw this coming from miles away. We were TOLD what was going to happen. And there were no excuses.

      So yeah. I’d say that we all reap what has been sewn by the smug and entitled that chose to not take the warnings seriously. I’d say the we collectively sleep in the bed they made for us. And while we all suffer together- I’d say they should not avert their eyes or turn their head when the oppressive weight of this authoritarian dictatorship begins to press down HARD on them, their loved ones, and their fellow citizens. Because they definitely share in the blame for it happening-

      Nothing is happening now that they didn’t knowingly allow to happen. So we have naught to do but watch as any good that remains in America begins to rot away- with, and because of the bad like a barrel of abandoned apples.

      And as for a violent response?

      Yeah. I don’t understand how this isn’t more fundamentally understood, but let’s cover it anyway:

      It’s not 1775 anymore. Things have changed.

      ANY violent response to Краснов and his administration can and probably will- only result in a colossal retaliatory response that will cost FAR too many innocent lives to be lost and all but guarantee a temporary to permanent military takeover and occupation of every state in the nation.

      I sincerely hope that anyone thinking to organize a violent response to Краснов look up what martial law means, and make their peace with the fact that this is what they’re going to bring down on every citizen in this country.

      Because that’s where we are headed.

        20 days ago

        Sorry we already tried nothing I said new ideas.

        And of course you’re pro-violence if your idea of nonviolence is “let them kill.”

            20 days ago

            You haven’t been. You’re not nonviolence if you support doing nothing when senseless violence occurs. It’s not 1776, no one said it was, and to use that as your reference point shows you have ignored all change since then.

            Nonviolence is not “dont hurt me” it’s about trying to bring an end to violence.

              20 days ago

              I’ve said what I felt needed to be said. As much as I know how you all LOVE telling others who and what they are- and what they feel and believe, I’m not going to argue with you about what MY take is.

              So go on and believe whatever it is you’d like to believe. about me, about whoever you need to build a straw man against. Because that belief- your belief, is not mine to edit.

              You’d do well to understand what this means, and then start practicing it yourself.

                120 days ago

                Yes please sit back and do nothing that’s what they want. Your take is an illogical loop and no matter how much your take is yours, it’s still a bad take. I hope you’re around in a few years and get to see that 4 year point, and that you feel your nonviolence only approach is still fine as they kill and enslave thousands.

                  20 days ago


                  Even after I pointed how how you have no argument without creating a straw man out of my own words-

                  You go and do it again in response.

                  Please… tell me ALL about myself. Go on. The stage is yours. The lighting favors you tonight!

                    020 days ago

                    Sure! I used to be nonviolent, then I saw that the other side still chose violence. Then I tried to reason, and they still chose violence. Then I pled, and they still chose violence. Then I watched my friends and family die. When I asked for help, I was smugly told they were nonviolent and watched me die with a smile on their faces, thinking that because they only allowed it to happen and didn’t feel the blood on their own skin they sidestepped their own morals safely.