Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.

    1321 days ago

    I would honestly not be surprised to see the suicide rate increase. Especially among the marginalized veterans. We’ve already seen a couple. I remember the one who jumped off of the VA building wherever they were at. It’s been mentioned a few times on the reddit vet board, and I’m noticing an increase in vets posting that they’re at their limit and contemplating ending it all.

    My BIL is a vet as well. He was having a mental break last week. I was able to talk him into going to the ER. He’s getting better, but we’re all worried about events going down. We’re trying to prep as best we can. We feel as though something really bad is coming up. I told him to take a step back from the news and social media. I had to for a bit as well.

    • fadingembers
      521 days ago

      Yeah it’s tough out here for folks. I’m just waiting for when they’re going to stop covering my gender affirming care. Nothing yet, but it is inevitable. Your BIL is lucky to have you. I hope he’s able to get the help that he needs <3