Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.

    14622 days ago

    This is an internal coup, there’s no doubt about it. I’m not sure how the oligarchs are letting this happen. It’s insane. Their regret will not make me happy.

        5622 days ago

        Oligarchs are not unified. Some companies are heavily disaffected like pharmaceuticals thanks to RFK. Tariffs will also hurt most businesses’ bottomline. Trump’s policies only benefit certain oligarchs (tech companies and Musk) so the other oligarchs who get pissed off will band together to support someone friendlier.

          • Drusas
            3222 days ago

            But not the owners. They’ll be able to buy up those tasty, cheap stocks.

              2821 days ago

              Exactly. In every crisis, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Out of the last several financial crises, who’s come out for the better? All I see is the widening of the gap between rich and poor.

              Makes me wonder about the rhetoric against violence and how ‘we need to be above that’. Where has that message come from?

                21 days ago

                Two places:

                1: We are supposed to be nice people. 2: The wealthy are evil, and want people to be too gentle to resist.

                The rich amplify the ‘kind’ part of protests (MLK), while trying to stifle the ‘harsh’ (Malcom X, Panthers), to ensure that resistance is toothless. IMO, the answer isn’t to ditch ‘kindness’, but rather to understand protest movements as two pieces that work together…

                Hammer, and Anvil. One is a promise of unyielding violence if things don’t change, while the other is a solid foundation that offers an alternative. Protestors shouldn’t seek peace at all costs, that isn’t how an effective negotiation works. Power only respects power.

                  421 days ago

                  When we protest, the understanding needs to be there that we’ll become militant if they ignore us. If we don’t get our way and just peacefully go home, there’s no point to protest in the first place.

                  Chaining ourselves to their gates, hunger striking, throwing bricks, burning effigies, etc – these tactics are often decried as not peaceful enough, but they show we’re not going to stop at words. That we’re prepared to escalate. We need to make them afraid. We need to show them if they don’t listen very soon, their heads will literally roll. And then we must be willing to follow through. If we don’t, we may as well start heiling now.

    • Drusas
      2622 days ago

      They’re letting it happen because he is supporting the oligarchy, giving tax breaks to people who don’t need them, etc.

      21 days ago

      The oligarchy wants the collapse of the US so they can bring about their own style of techno feudalism and the “dark enlightenment”