
A new book, A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, reveals Donald Trump’s ignorance on key historical and geopolitical issues.

During a 2017 visit to the USS Arizona Memorial, Trump reportedly asked, “What’s this all about?” showing a lack of understanding of Pearl Harbor.

The book also details Trump’s confusion over India’s border with China, his eagerness to meet Vladimir Putin before taking office, and his frustration with anti-bribery laws.

The authors claim their findings are based on extensive interviews and documents.

    • NielsBohron
      23 days ago

      As a college instructor, it’s difficult sometimes. The dumbest goddamn students I’ve ever had still manage to pass sometimes due to being friends with the right people or getting lucky when cheating in a way that I can’t necessarily prove. I can be 100% certain that someone cheated, but if I can’t objectively prove it, it’s really, really dangerous (to my career) to fail that student, especially when they are as connected and narcissistic as Trump.

      Plus, lots of people take advantage of more inclusive accommodations and more forgiving grading or attendance policies to the point that sometimes they do pass despite knowing a tiny fraction of the material. I could eliminate a lot of that by making the tests harder and removing a lot of academic support services I offer to make the class more “sink or swim,” but then I’m mostly punishing the people that need my help the most. I just have to remind myself that it’s better to pass a student that doesn’t deserve it than it is to misjudge the situation and fail a student who legitimately just needed some additional understanding or academic support.