The Trump administration canceled $900 million in contracts overseen by the Institute of Education Sciences, which partners with scientists and education companies to compile and make public data about schools each year.

  • ‘Data’ is not neutral! The point of collecting data on teachers and schools was always about control, pushing down pay, cutting benefits and cutting funding. That’s why these monitoring programs started, and continued to exist. A few naive people think that they might have some use in monitoring standards between schools, THEY DON’T. Pearson, Springer, and the other large education companies suck up much of the funding…not to the benefit of classrooms and students.

      11 month ago

      ‘Data’ is not neutral! The point of collecting data on teachers and schools was always about control, pushing down pay, cutting benefits and cutting funding

      No, it’s not. It is actually possible to use this data wisely. Source: every other country with better education than the US.

      A few naive people think that they might have some use in monitoring standards between schools, THEY DON’T. Pearson, Springer, and the other large education companies suck up much of the funding…not to the benefit of classrooms and students.

      American skills issue.