I wanted some temperature sensor that can place outside my house, it is simple and not very expensive, which directly integrates with HA would be ideal but not 100% necessary.
I have seen these in Aliexpress, I don’t know if someone has them or if you think they can serve me https://acortar.link/5vbeT2
Thanks for the aid, I am starting with all this and I see good resources in this community
EDIT: Thank you very much for all the answers, it is incredible how fast you have helped me. You have also given me many interesting options to investigate more before making a decision
Late to the party but I use several from third reality for temp/humidity both indoor and out. They’re ZigBee based and I just have a little ZigBee dongle attached to my server. Basically no setup needed once the dongle is up. Just add batteries and then add them in HA.
Do you use ZHA or Zigbee-MQTT?
Which model do you use?
ZHA. Sensor model is 3RTHS0224Z and the ZigBee dingus is a SONOFF but I don’t know which model offhand
Thank you a lot.
happy to help!