• @Allonzee@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Neolib good cops/fascist bad cops

      Both perfectly fine with homeless Americans dying in the streets in droves, both on the same bribe take from the same wealthy “donors” to protect their exploitation grift from the people as they stoke social issue wedges that are often symptoms of the economy they protect from us to keep us divided and hating each other more than the owners who laugh as we tear one another apart. Divide and profit. Easier than putting us in chains, cleaner than running dissenters over with tanks. Turn us on each other.

      An economy is supposed to be a lowly tool to efficiently distribute goods and services for the benefit of a society. That means an economy should reward prosocial vocations like teachers and nurses, and punish the pursuit of private, antisocial greed. Instead, those that own our economy rule us in oligarchy. The tail is wagging the dog, and it’s inhuman and perverse. That didn’t start with Trump, his rise is a symptom of the perversion that the trickle down economic lie put on steroids.