Seeing this post made me flash back to how often wage theft happened to me during holidays as a teenager.

4th of July, New Year’s… Didn’t even know about time and a half.

    -82 months ago

    Yeah, and they choose to participate in capitalism by being employed. What a Rube! What a buffoon! 100% self inflicted.

    Personally I’ve made my own smartphone out of glue and matchsticks, and stuff I stole from Walmart. I only post via a VPN, and only to servers that run on biofuel and solar. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go mock the homeless for using iPhones. Have they no appreciation for the privacy they lose?

      2 months ago

      There is like a billion free keyboards for android, even FOSS ones and you can disable the auto-complete on gBoard as well. But you go blame capitalism for every thing you mess up in your life, instead of making improvements. That will surely help.