• @techt@lemmy.world
    173 months ago

    That’s not really a solution though, right? It’s more like a minimal survival mechanism restricted to those privileged with financial literacy and good discipline/planning in a system where people are (paradoxically) forced to trade their health for livelihood. Many, many people will fall short of such a bar through no fault of their own.

    • sunzu2
      -33 months ago

      Bro… I am biggest critic of the system there is…

      But unless you help yourself, nobody will.

      Until you help yourself, it is hard to find class consciousness

      It is nearly impossible but most of us will need to get good at this shit.

      They keep us poor because they know this.

      • @techt@lemmy.world
        93 months ago

        I hear this take frequently and I think I understand where it comes from; you can lead a horse to water and all that. However, that thinking serves mostly as a way to disconnect from the suffering we’re seeing similar to a thought-terminating cliché. If you can convince yourself that people who don’t help themselves don’t deserve help, it’s much easier to cope with the existence of their suffering.

        I hope this doesn’t come across as a criticism of you – I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with me. Thanks!

      • @Taco2112@lemmy.world
        73 months ago

        Some people just don’t want to listen. I’m with you, the system is broken and we need to fix it. There’s also opportunity and sometimes you have to put in work to reach it.

    • @Eezyville@sh.itjust.works
      -103 months ago

      All I’m hearing are excuses man. You can’t do it because you don’t have financial literacy? Then get literate in finances. You guys will go to school to learn all these things to get a job but won’t take the time and learn how to budget, save, understand credit, how to manage money. They didn’t teach these things in school when I was in grade school so after fucking up with student loans I took the time to buy some books and learn it. It’s not rocket science and you have to deal with money every day so learn how to manage it properly.

      Next there’s discipline and planning. Why can’t you be discipline with your future? You just want to spend recklessly and expect the state to have your back when you get older? Do you really think there will be any assistance from the state when you retire? Do you even trust the state to take care of you without strings attached?

      I’m tired of people complaining about this “back breaking labor”. It will break your back if you aren’t safe about the work. The same is true for these office jobs except it’s mind numbing work. You can get very unhealthy just sitting down in front of a computer all day for years. You can get burned out for working too many hours trying to reach a deadline. At least the back breaking work has unions. In both situations you will trade your health for a livelihood.

        • sunzu2
          23 months ago

          They don’t deserve to suffer but until enough of us get class conciseness, they will be suffering very much

        • @Eezyville@sh.itjust.works
          -73 months ago

          Many can’t? Those people can’t pick up a book and read? The library is free in most western nations. They can’t watch some Youtube videos on basic budgeting? If they are struggling with money every day and not taking steps to solve the problem then I can’t help them. Again all I hear are excuses to not put in the effort.

          “I got stabbed in the arm and I’m bleeding. It hurts. Do I deserve to bleed out?”

          Treat the wound to stop the bleeding. Go to the ER if it is really bad. But don’t sit there going all Woe Is Me waiting for the EMS that you didn’t call because you think some bystander will put in the effort you refused to do.

            • @Eezyville@sh.itjust.works
              -73 months ago

              To be blunt, no, they often can’t read.

              BULLSHIT!!! Stop lying. Who the fuck are you even talking about? Who are these people who participate in this economy, work their jobs, get paid, spend the money they make, but CAN’T READ. And no, I’m not talking about people from a third-world country but Americans and have been from the beginning. And the use of the word “often” is strong because 79% of US adults are literate. Stop making shit up just to argue.

                • @Eezyville@sh.itjust.works
                  -53 months ago

                  I’m not angry but I don’t believe a word you say. Literacy rate in the US is high. It could be better but don’t say they “often can’t read” just to argue. And if you do have friends who can’t read then you’re pretty shitty for not helping them learn to read. Everyone I know knows how to read except the children too young for school.

          • @eskimofry@lemmy.world
            33 months ago

            I have read all the comments you made here. One thing that makes me disagree with you on all counts is your lack of willingness to accept that people might try their best but end up poor or destitute outside of their control.

            you seem to think the majority of people have no motivation to work but you should go to your supermarket or busy commercial/industrial area. The majority of people work so hard you have no idea.

            • @Eezyville@sh.itjust.works
              -33 months ago

              I have more of an idea than you. I’m from those places. I didn’t come from money. I’m raised by a single mother, I was never taught about money growing up. I’ve witness my grandparents own a business, make millions, and have nothing to show for it because my grandmother spent it all on crap. She never graduated from the 7th grade and was poor so when she got money she spent it. Now my grandparents have no money and are still out here trying to hustle.

              You, however, sound like many of these users on sites like Reddit and Lemmy. A “white savior” (I don’t know your race). You talk about all these horrible conditions of the people you know nothing about because you actually don’t live around them and experience it. You think that everything is outside of their control and they are a victim of circumstance and just trying to survive. That is not the whole truth. They do have control over their own money. I don’t see how they couldn’t. I’ve watched this shit first hand. I knew people who fell on hard time (lost job, then car, then apartment, can’t find work). I’ve seen how they react to it by getting depressed, drinking, smoking weed, and spending the money they do get on those things. And I’ve told them over and over again to save their money to get their shit together so they can get back to work. Get your issues with your license taken care you, save the money you get from these odd jobs to buy a cheap car for $1k-$2k just to get to work, get on govt. assistance to buy food, etc. They always have an excuse why they can’t do it.

              You are just like everyone else here acting like white saviors, you give excuses, say it’s outside of everyone’s control, blame the “system” or someone else, and offer no solutions. All you’ve done is complain about my approach but where is your solution? I offered a solution.