Also works for searches ‘Times new roman’ and ‘Courier new font’, but not for ‘Lucida console font’ or ‘Dejavu sans font’.

    33 months ago

    I remember the first time I discovered Comic Sans. Probably like many other people - I was playing around with fonts on a school computer, and was like whoa… what is this font, I love it! It’s like a comic book!!!

    Like seriously what is not to love.

    Then my generational cohort of cynical millennials took to the internet and bonded over mutual hatred, and dragged this poor typeface which only ever wanted to bring a little levity to otherwise cold, machine produced text.

    • The Quuuuuill
      23 months ago

      and it was never really comic sans we hated, was it? it was our managers using it to pretend they were fun. we all collectively bonded over blaming the wrong thing for our frustration