So I’m walking to an evening class at a local college, it’s dark. There’s a bend just before the junction and as I’m walking across a car comes round way too fast. I had to step back to avoid being hit. I was wearing gloves and as it went past I hit it, no idea why, just instinct and anger.

I carry on walking and I see the driver has pulled over a bit down the road, I was expecting a “sorry are you ok” but she instead shouted “did you just hit my car?”. That set me off, shouting at her that she almost fucking ran me over. Then she says “you don’t have to use that kind of language”, the fucking nerve.

Gave up and just walked off. Wish I’d have smashed the wing mirror or keyed the car or something.

Has anyone else almost been run over and how do you deal with the anger of it?

  • Drusas
    344 months ago

    No, but I have actually been hit. Waited at the crosswalk for the light, looked before crossing, made it halfway across the three lane, one way road before some idiot turned (illegally into the middle lane) and hit me.

    This is not very Buddhist of me, but I wish she could know that she gave me a concussion, permanently injured my knee, broke my nose, and ruined my credit because I had no health insurance, while all she got was a $67 traffic ticket. She even tried to fight it at court, saying that she shouldn’t be held liable because she “didn’t see [me]”. I was wearing a bright orange shirt on a sunny day.

    I will remember her name for the rest of my life.

    Edit: I just googled her name (it’s very unique) and it looks like she was let go from the Air Force after she was found guilty of running me over and her career suffered for a few years. So that’s nice. But now she’s working for the VA. Fuck that. I probably won’t ever tell her what she did, but we’ll see.

      164 months ago

      That sucks. Was she not liable for your healthcare if she was at fault? (I’m European, no idea how you guys do it.)

      • Drusas
        53 months ago

        I had to sue her health insurance company for it. I eventually was reimbursed, but it was too late to matter.