Semi regular post about your brewing adventures. Share recipes, ask questions, mishaps or successes.

I will unpin it in a week.

  • Alexander
    24 months ago

    We’ve caught something that looks, tastes, smells and behaves like brettanomyces from last field trip. They are really different and it seems their growth and fermentation profile does depend on conditions even more than usually! Never kept this culture before. Waiting for proper tasting procedure (could be something horrendous really, I’m pretty sure those will need some tuning in standard recepies). Then off to the library and store it goes.

    Otherwise, there is full freezer of frozen forest berries waiting for the secondary in mead buckets and an infamous BAG I’ve bought to try the suffering others speak of here. Well, once I’m not the only healthy person in household, we’ll have lots of fun stuff to do, sigh.