As someone whose bin receives unwanted poop, the issue is that it goes straight to the bottom of the bin and never leaves because they don’t lift the cans up all the way. Then it gets smashed by my own trash, so now I have a permanently poopy-smelling trash bin that receives weekly deposits.
This has “I chose to buy or rent in a high foot traffic area and am now mad at the side effects of living in a high foot traffic area” energy. I am on a street corner by a dog park. I picked this spot because I want to be near the dog park. I also drop a $.10 paint tray liner in the bottom of my trash can every week. I also sort my recycling for the homeless guy so he doesn’t whip my trash into my yard anymore when digging for cans. Adjust to your surroundings or pick somewhere different to live. You aren’t going to change other people.
…so now I have a permanently poopy-smelling trash bin that receives weekly deposits.
I understand and sympathize with your frustration but did no one ever explain that you’re supposed to wash those things out occasionally? 60 seconds with the hose on a semi-regular basis solves the problem. If that doesn’t work then you can use can liners to prevent it.
It’s not fair that you have to go through extra work or expense to solve a problem that someone else is creating but its better to take action than it is to sit there and stew over it.
So? Are you sitting on it to read a book? The smells mostly contained with the lid closed, and unless you have it right outside the window like a moron, it doesn’t waft in the house.
You realize people keep rotten compost piles I. Their yards… yeah?
So big a deal a bin you open a few times a week stinks, why are people making such a huge deal out of this?
I would much rather they pick it up and do this than leave the turd on the grass.
Are people seriously this fucking entitled that they can’t let someone use their bin so they don’t need to carry a bag…? The hell happened with community spirit and being neighborly?
I like to sit outside sometimes and I don’t have a very big yard. Believe it or not, the smell is not always contained to the bin.
I also happen to have a compost bin nearby. It doesn’t smell like rotting at all.
Are people seriously this fucking entitled that they can’t let someone use their bin so they don’t need to carry a bag…? The hell happened with community spirit and being neighborly?
Yes? I am entitled to exclusive use of my own garbage can. It’s not public property. I feel like this is pretty obvious if you think about it.
If I had an apple tree in my front yard, passers-by would not be entitled to just take apples. If I had a bicycle in my driveway, no, you can’t take it for a spin.
You’re right it’s not, so when it smells bad, clean it.
Well than it’s not working, because microbial action causes the smell.
It’s a garbage can, what harm can come from someone using it? And if you don’t want it touched, put it in your backyard or lock it. Are people not free to walk up to your house and touch your doorbell?
If I had an apple tree in my front yard that’s not fenced, yes the neighborhood could freely help themselves, obviously a bike is an entirely different situation, and using it as an example is fallacious.
Hmm, personally wouldn’t treat fruit trees like fair game unless they’re on public property. Seems many US jurisdictions would consider it petty theft or something.
Common punishment would probably be smart doorbell footage of the “burglar” going up on Nextdoor :)
Well than it’s not working, because microbial action causes the smell.
I’m no scientist, but it seems to turn my food scraps into dirt without smelling bad.
It’s a garbage can, what harm can come from someone using it?
The harm is that I can no longer quietly enjoy my yard. Because it smells like poop.
And if you don’t want it touched, put it in your backyard or lock it.
I have to take the trash to the curb in order for it to be picked up. I leave for work before they pick it up, so it’s out all day. During that time, it racks up 3-5 dog poops, guaranteed.
Are people not free to walk up to your house and touch your doorbell?
You’re being obtuse. A doorbell is intended to be used by the public.
If I had an apple tree in my front yard that’s not fenced, yes the neighborhood could freely help themselves, obviously a bike is an entirely different situation, and using it as an example is fallacious.
The only thing I can think of is that you must not live in a city. We get a lot of foot traffic here from people who I haven’t met and probably never will. If they all felt entitled to pick from my imaginary apple tree, it would be bare in a week.
Actually, I live in a high traffic area, so I know my bin may get used, I know an apple tree could be an attractive nuisance.
Some kid climbs your Apple tree, falls, now your liable because you couldn’t be arsed to know your locality or protecting you’re own fucking shit like you’re always supposed to.
Don’t be high and mighty and miss the fucking field beside you, your own examples are prime examples AGAINST being neighborly despite your bullshit spewing:
Yeah, what happened to community spirit and being neighborly? And I mean you. You’re acting like you’re entitled to being an asshole for your convenience at the cost of someone else’s convenience. Someone doesn’t want you to use their stuff for your shit and somehow you think they’re wrong? Get on board with community spirit and stop being an ass.
See attractive nuisance laws, if you have shit you don’t want people to use, protect it, or people can be feee to use it, or you will be held liable if someone hurts themselves if you don’t communicate otherwise.
If you don’t want it used, lock it up or put it out of site, society fixed this a long time ago, but people STILL want to be unneighborly shit heels and pretend they’re being part of the community but than cry when someone used their fucking garbage bin… give your head a shake, you’re being a hypocrite lmfao.
I have a compost bin in my kitchen, it gets pretty gnarly sometimes if I don’t take it out for a couple days.
I also don’t use garbage bags at all, the garbage can literally exists to hold garbage what the fuck are these people on about 😂 I hose mine out after trash pickup.
Imagine being so utterly Babylon that you threaten violent death on someone for using your garbage can. These people are lunatics.
You’re saying that you just dump trash straight into the inside bin and then empty that straight into the outside bin without ever using a bag at any point? You do whatever ever you want inside, but for the outside bin, it depends on your jurisdiction and who holds the contract to collect refuse. In my county, and per rules of the refuse company that hauls the trash, all trash must be placed in bags inside the bin. Unbagged trash is not collected, as in, they literally will not empty the bin until you bag it.
Also, unbagged trash has a higher chance of spilling when it’s dumped into the truck. Our trash always makes it into the truck, but a lot of recycling ends up in the gutters or blowing down the street because it’s unbagged.
Yes, I’ve been doing it for years. It actually seems ridiculous to me that not bagging your garbage would lead to them not picking it up, but so does the idea of a private garbage corporation. The city picks mine up. They never complain and I never find my garbage in the streets. I’ve never seen them drop any recyclables either, and basically everyone in my neighborhood recycles at least to some degree.
My household also don’t throw much away. We compost nearly 100% of our food and pet wastes and most of our cardboard and paper, avoid single use plastics, and recycle. Usually our inside bin doesn’t even fill up week to week.
I also limit what goes in our trash and only put out a bag or two a week. And our city is in charge of refuse and recycling but they contract out with a waste management company - the city doesn’t have its own dump or recycling facilities (and this has been my experience in cities big and small across the country.
I watch the trash and pickup process a lot (because of a toddler) and what I’ve noticed is that bagged trash gets picked up out of bins and thrown into the truck while the recycling gets picked up by the “arm” and dumped; that’s where the spillage comes from.
This is a you problem not a them problem. As other poster notes, you need clean these out periodically anyway. Also, why do you care how a rubbish bin smells? Do you live with it in your house or something?
my dad found that putting a big, heavy rock on top of the bin was enough to stop this from happening to him. (he removes the rock before the crash gets collected.) from his perspective, the people who use other people’s trash cans to throw away their dog poop are doing it because it’s the most immediate and convenient option. if you find a way to make it slightly less convenient, they’ll look for something else.
I agree with you half way. If a person asks then yeah, however you don’t know where the trash bin is being stored. It could make it extra smelly and they may not want that to be next to their house. If it’s on the curb about to be picked up, sure why the heck not.
Mine is right next to our garage, and on a path to the backyard. I can smell our bin from a few feet away with the lid closed, and that’s without poop in there (though now we have cat poop, so it smells worse) and only grass/tree clippings and whatever spilled out of the bags.
It’s gross, but certainly not enough to get mad over, especially since I don’t care enough to actually wash it out (maybe I will soon though, idk). But it’s still unpleasant. If the smell wasn’t my fault though, I would be a lot more annoyed.
I used to put the garbage inside the garage in the winter (we get snow here), but the smell killed that idea.
It really depends on where you live and the kinds of bins you have. I keep my bins in my garage because we get snow (used to get snow? Climate change and all that), and there are times when I can smell even just the normal household garbage inside the house. I also live in a duplex, so my entire downstairs is a single large room with a kitchenette off of it, meaning that when the garbage cans stink, they stink up the entire downstairs of the house.
I think the cans the town uses just don’t have a great seal on them, as I’ve heard other people complain about similar issues with the smell, and my parents even have a separate small can they keep outside specifically for their dog poop that they toss into the actual garbage right as they take it out to the curb so it doesn’t stink up their house.
Luckily, I’ve never had the issue of people tossing their poop into my cans, but I’ve heard tons of people complain about it. People not picking up after their dogs at all, however…that’s a different story that’s so bad around my neighborhood that multiple people have installed signs about it.
Who cares, it’s all going to the same place. You parted with your trash, it’s not like it’s a storage bin for you to get stuff out of later.
As someone whose bin receives unwanted poop, the issue is that it goes straight to the bottom of the bin and never leaves because they don’t lift the cans up all the way. Then it gets smashed by my own trash, so now I have a permanently poopy-smelling trash bin that receives weekly deposits.
A bad smelling trash bin you say?
This has “I chose to buy or rent in a high foot traffic area and am now mad at the side effects of living in a high foot traffic area” energy. I am on a street corner by a dog park. I picked this spot because I want to be near the dog park. I also drop a $.10 paint tray liner in the bottom of my trash can every week. I also sort my recycling for the homeless guy so he doesn’t whip my trash into my yard anymore when digging for cans. Adjust to your surroundings or pick somewhere different to live. You aren’t going to change other people.
Dog walkers reduce crime
I’m not sure how this is relevant to my comment
The dog walking lady is indirectly helping the person who put the sign on the trash can
Victim blaming.
I understand and sympathize with your frustration but did no one ever explain that you’re supposed to wash those things out occasionally? 60 seconds with the hose on a semi-regular basis solves the problem. If that doesn’t work then you can use can liners to prevent it.
It’s not fair that you have to go through extra work or expense to solve a problem that someone else is creating but its better to take action than it is to sit there and stew over it.
Hosing it out doesn’t help unless I do it every week.
I’m not stewing over it, it’s the poopcan that’s stewing in the sun until I come home from work.
So? Are you sitting on it to read a book? The smells mostly contained with the lid closed, and unless you have it right outside the window like a moron, it doesn’t waft in the house.
You realize people keep rotten compost piles I. Their yards… yeah?
So big a deal a bin you open a few times a week stinks, why are people making such a huge deal out of this?
I would much rather they pick it up and do this than leave the turd on the grass.
Are people seriously this fucking entitled that they can’t let someone use their bin so they don’t need to carry a bag…? The hell happened with community spirit and being neighborly?
You seem to have an issue conceptualising experiences that are not your own.
I like to sit outside sometimes and I don’t have a very big yard. Believe it or not, the smell is not always contained to the bin.
I also happen to have a compost bin nearby. It doesn’t smell like rotting at all.
Yes? I am entitled to exclusive use of my own garbage can. It’s not public property. I feel like this is pretty obvious if you think about it.
If I had an apple tree in my front yard, passers-by would not be entitled to just take apples. If I had a bicycle in my driveway, no, you can’t take it for a spin.
You’re right it’s not, so when it smells bad, clean it.
Well than it’s not working, because microbial action causes the smell.
It’s a garbage can, what harm can come from someone using it? And if you don’t want it touched, put it in your backyard or lock it. Are people not free to walk up to your house and touch your doorbell?
If I had an apple tree in my front yard that’s not fenced, yes the neighborhood could freely help themselves, obviously a bike is an entirely different situation, and using it as an example is fallacious.
Hmm, personally wouldn’t treat fruit trees like fair game unless they’re on public property. Seems many US jurisdictions would consider it petty theft or something.
Common punishment would probably be smart doorbell footage of the “burglar” going up on Nextdoor :)
It’s called an attractive nuisance and you could be liable if someone climbs the tree to get some.
Have some personal accountability for the stuff the public can access, kids aren’t always taught to know better.
I’m no scientist, but it seems to turn my food scraps into dirt without smelling bad.
The harm is that I can no longer quietly enjoy my yard. Because it smells like poop.
I have to take the trash to the curb in order for it to be picked up. I leave for work before they pick it up, so it’s out all day. During that time, it racks up 3-5 dog poops, guaranteed.
You’re being obtuse. A doorbell is intended to be used by the public.
The only thing I can think of is that you must not live in a city. We get a lot of foot traffic here from people who I haven’t met and probably never will. If they all felt entitled to pick from my imaginary apple tree, it would be bare in a week.
Actually, I live in a high traffic area, so I know my bin may get used, I know an apple tree could be an attractive nuisance.
Some kid climbs your Apple tree, falls, now your liable because you couldn’t be arsed to know your locality or protecting you’re own fucking shit like you’re always supposed to.
Don’t be high and mighty and miss the fucking field beside you, your own examples are prime examples AGAINST being neighborly despite your bullshit spewing:
Yeah, what happened to community spirit and being neighborly? And I mean you. You’re acting like you’re entitled to being an asshole for your convenience at the cost of someone else’s convenience. Someone doesn’t want you to use their stuff for your shit and somehow you think they’re wrong? Get on board with community spirit and stop being an ass.
See attractive nuisance laws, if you have shit you don’t want people to use, protect it, or people can be feee to use it, or you will be held liable if someone hurts themselves if you don’t communicate otherwise.
If you don’t want it used, lock it up or put it out of site, society fixed this a long time ago, but people STILL want to be unneighborly shit heels and pretend they’re being part of the community but than cry when someone used their fucking garbage bin… give your head a shake, you’re being a hypocrite lmfao.
Are you a child? Are we discussing risk of injury? The attractive nuisance doctrine is irrelevant to this discussion.
Edit: Didn’t realize you were the same person from the other thread who I already gave up on. I don’t intend to respond.
Are you dumb on top of being an asshole? How on earth would garbage collection take the garbage if I lock the bin and hide it away?
… you unlock it when you wheel it to the curb for pickup.
You call me dumb and you couldn’t think of this simple and very easy solution…?
I have a compost bin in my kitchen, it gets pretty gnarly sometimes if I don’t take it out for a couple days.
I also don’t use garbage bags at all, the garbage can literally exists to hold garbage what the fuck are these people on about 😂 I hose mine out after trash pickup.
Imagine being so utterly Babylon that you threaten violent death on someone for using your garbage can. These people are lunatics.
You’re saying that you just dump trash straight into the inside bin and then empty that straight into the outside bin without ever using a bag at any point? You do whatever ever you want inside, but for the outside bin, it depends on your jurisdiction and who holds the contract to collect refuse. In my county, and per rules of the refuse company that hauls the trash, all trash must be placed in bags inside the bin. Unbagged trash is not collected, as in, they literally will not empty the bin until you bag it.
Also, unbagged trash has a higher chance of spilling when it’s dumped into the truck. Our trash always makes it into the truck, but a lot of recycling ends up in the gutters or blowing down the street because it’s unbagged.
Yes, I’ve been doing it for years. It actually seems ridiculous to me that not bagging your garbage would lead to them not picking it up, but so does the idea of a private garbage corporation. The city picks mine up. They never complain and I never find my garbage in the streets. I’ve never seen them drop any recyclables either, and basically everyone in my neighborhood recycles at least to some degree.
My household also don’t throw much away. We compost nearly 100% of our food and pet wastes and most of our cardboard and paper, avoid single use plastics, and recycle. Usually our inside bin doesn’t even fill up week to week.
I also limit what goes in our trash and only put out a bag or two a week. And our city is in charge of refuse and recycling but they contract out with a waste management company - the city doesn’t have its own dump or recycling facilities (and this has been my experience in cities big and small across the country.
I watch the trash and pickup process a lot (because of a toddler) and what I’ve noticed is that bagged trash gets picked up out of bins and thrown into the truck while the recycling gets picked up by the “arm” and dumped; that’s where the spillage comes from.
This is a you problem not a them problem. As other poster notes, you need clean these out periodically anyway. Also, why do you care how a rubbish bin smells? Do you live with it in your house or something?
You sound like someone who poops in residential garbage cans
Living their best life.
My 4 year old makes better poop jokes.
periodically being usually every few years, not every few months
my dad found that putting a big, heavy rock on top of the bin was enough to stop this from happening to him. (he removes the rock before the crash gets collected.) from his perspective, the people who use other people’s trash cans to throw away their dog poop are doing it because it’s the most immediate and convenient option. if you find a way to make it slightly less convenient, they’ll look for something else.
I agree with you half way. If a person asks then yeah, however you don’t know where the trash bin is being stored. It could make it extra smelly and they may not want that to be next to their house. If it’s on the curb about to be picked up, sure why the heck not.
Because single poop bags tend to slide down and get mashed to the bottom so the can always smells life dog shit.
Many people do this after the bins have already been emptied, meaning that for the next week, you have to deal with a bin that smells like dog shit.
So? The lid is closed and keeps 99% of the smell down.
Are you sitting right next to yours while chilling or something?
I open mine maybe 3x a week to put a bag in, big whoop it stinks.
Mine is right next to our garage, and on a path to the backyard. I can smell our bin from a few feet away with the lid closed, and that’s without poop in there (though now we have cat poop, so it smells worse) and only grass/tree clippings and whatever spilled out of the bags.
It’s gross, but certainly not enough to get mad over, especially since I don’t care enough to actually wash it out (maybe I will soon though, idk). But it’s still unpleasant. If the smell wasn’t my fault though, I would be a lot more annoyed.
I used to put the garbage inside the garage in the winter (we get snow here), but the smell killed that idea.
It really depends on where you live and the kinds of bins you have. I keep my bins in my garage because we get snow (used to get snow? Climate change and all that), and there are times when I can smell even just the normal household garbage inside the house. I also live in a duplex, so my entire downstairs is a single large room with a kitchenette off of it, meaning that when the garbage cans stink, they stink up the entire downstairs of the house.
I think the cans the town uses just don’t have a great seal on them, as I’ve heard other people complain about similar issues with the smell, and my parents even have a separate small can they keep outside specifically for their dog poop that they toss into the actual garbage right as they take it out to the curb so it doesn’t stink up their house.
Luckily, I’ve never had the issue of people tossing their poop into my cans, but I’ve heard tons of people complain about it. People not picking up after their dogs at all, however…that’s a different story that’s so bad around my neighborhood that multiple people have installed signs about it.