    5 months ago

    My original comment was “literally a witch hunt”, and after you replied I decided to edit it to say “it’s a witch hunt” to be more clear I’m not saying trans people are witches.

    As said below I’d gladly change it if you provide a reasonable suggestion but please don’t accuse me of editing in bad faith because I’m literally doing it for you.

    And yes all my comments have the edit symbol because I have the bad habit of posting the comment then editing it to write an extra paragraph in the seconds after it was posted lol.

    • billwashere
      45 months ago

      I don’t think any reasonable person would assume you were saying trans people are witches. It’s called an analogy. I got the gist of what you were saying. Cruz is trying to imply that “Trans people are a scary boogeyman man that we need to label and ostracize via a public outing“. Yep this sorta sounds like a witch hunt to me too. 🤣