Stacey Williams says the ex-president, whose spokesperson denied the allegations, touched her in an unwanted sexual way in 1993, after Epstein introduced them.

    575 months ago

    You’re a model in 1993. In order brush elbows with the elite, make connections and continue finding work you are given an invite by your modelling agency. You attend because this can only be good for your career.

    You get sexually harrassed.

    You didn’t ask for this. You’re trying to make a living. Titans of the industry see you as a bag of meat to toss around and abuse.

    “You were asking for it.”

    • Flying Squid
      55 months ago

      You apparently can’t win if you’re a woman around such men. If you come forward when a powerful man sexually assaults you right away, you’re gold-digging and he uses his high-paid lawyers to shut you down.

      If you come forward when a powerful man sexually assaults you later when he can’t do that, why did you wait so long?!?!

      15 months ago

      She was dating Epstein at the time. Poor judgement on her part, but it wasn’t a long relationship, so maybe she got the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

      Doesn’t excuse Trump fondlibg her, obviously with Epstein’s approval, and maybe at his invitation.

      Horrible people. Good for her speaking out.

      -45 months ago


      A woman at a party hoping to bag a dying rich husband retains the right not to be groped/assaulted or raped.

      I actually wouldn’t be surprised if the modeling industry as a whole was proved to be a sex abuse conspiracy from the get go. Like create this image in the media of beautiful women becoming glamorous successful models that marry dying billionaires, tell them that they have to network at fancy parties where the industry moguls are, convince them to ingratiate themselves to the moguls however they can…

        455 months ago

        We all shake our tits for the rich in one way or the other. Some are just a little more honest to themselves about it.

          5 months ago

          People that talk this way about women are often, in my experience, the same ones who immediately fellate the first director, VP, or C-suite asshole they stumble across.

            55 months ago

            Well yeah. But to them that isn’t “Shaking their tits” it’s “Rubbing elbows with the social elite to climb the corporate ladder.”

            Selling your soul is still selling your soul. Doesn’t matter if it’s to the devil or their lieutenants.

              5 months ago

              The more I think about it the more I think a lot of the vitriol comes from them being jealous that they can’t just “shake their tits” and have to instead brown nose people.

                55 months ago

                In my experience that’s exactly it. They’re the same kinds of people who also say “You know, if I was an attractive young girl I would love to make money staying home and showing my tits on the internet for money.” But when confronted with the reality of it all they would rather demean people who actually do that and make more money than them.

                The fact is a lot of them are threatened by women who make more money than them while also feeling like those women owe them something for being attractive. Like I said, these people do “shake their tits for the rich.” In one way or the other. It’s only that the people who are actually shaking their tits are the honest ones while the bootlickers cry for the boot to stomp down harder.